WTC steel with diagonal cut, Thermate residue
Prof. Steven Jones, who conducted his PhD research at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and post-doctoral research at Cornell University and the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility, has analyised materials from WTC and has detected the existence of thermate, used for "cutting" the steel support columns, as evident in the photo below.
Dr. Jones is a co-founder of Scholars for 911 Truth.
Dr. Jones in earlier work pointed to thermate as the likely explosive that brought down the WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 skyscrapers. But only recently was physical material analysed in the lab and the presense of thermate announced. The samples were provided Dr. Jones team from redundant sourses.
Both BYU and Prof. Jones have been offered additional grants if he would "change the direction" of his research. In addition, there have been threats made by an individual who "is taking action" to stop Steven Jones' research, specifically his experiment with thermites (aluminothermics), on the grounds his work may be helpful to "terrorists". Jones notes that much more detailed information on both thermite and thermate is readily available on the internet.
Alex Jones Interviews Professor Steven Jones
COMMENTARY (on Portland Indymedia): in time order of article theme on thermite at WTCs, videos, discussion, pictures:
[1] since thermite/thermate can be made of basic industrical chemicals, it can be made "tracerless"--i.e., avoid all signature tracer chemicals that the U.S. Govt requires be mixed in very small amounts in all highly powerful and highly monitored explosives to keep track of every batch's origin.
[2] Moreover if he has found it in WTC7, as he says, then with Silverstein admitting that he conducted a controlled demolition on 9-11 of WTC7 around 5:30 p.m., then Silverstein is admitting that WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 all are thermate controlled demolitions.
[3] And who was in charge of WTC security? Why, Marvin Bush, brother of George W. Bush, on the board of Securatech.
[4] And written up in their mom's (ghostwritten) autobiography, Barbara Bush drops the other bombshell that it's just a coincidence that Marvin's contract at the WTCs was up on September 11, 2001 anyway. She wrote about it in the book.
[5] The Bush family through Marvin Bush have been in charge of security of the WTCs since immediately after the first failed terrorist attempt to knock down the WTCs one month into Clinton's Presidential tenure in 1993.
[6] The FBI is on record giving the order to conduct terrorism on the WTC in 1993, via their hired gun Salam, who didn't want to carry out the attack 'for real' since he was told by the FBI that he was hired simply for a sting opreation to arrest some perpetrators in a terror cell he infiltrated for the FBI. [two minute video summary
[7] When the FBI instead told him to both suggest the WTC as a target for the 1993 attack, as well as teach them how to make bombs, as well as FBI allowing him to provide live explosives--their agent started taping everything covertly that he was ordered to do in reference to FBI ordering him to carry out the 1993 terrorist attack on the WTCs.
[8] Immediately after the failed attack on the WTCs, the Bush family, through a corporate shell vehicle owned in part by the royal family of Kuwait, the Kuwaiti/American Corporation, was put in charge of security at the WTCs, with Marvin Bush on board.
[9] Seven weeks before the controlled demolitions of 9-11, the towers change hands in their first (rushed) sale, being all bought up by Silverstein, who introduces a huge terrorism insurance appendage.
[10] Despite admitting publicly that HE gave the order (in the PBS special "America Rebuilds") to blow up his own WTC7 on 9-11, the whole thing is so corrupt that he still collects 500 million dollars on the "terrorist destuction alibi" of WTC7, and has already collected several billion dollars on the 'terrorism clause' in the WTC1/2 insurance.
[11] and We already know that the anthrax that was sent to congress and which killed several postal workers in the process (sent to Senator Daschle and to Senator Leahy), was weaponized under a covert CIA only contract, and it was a domestic Ames strain of anthrax coming from one of three or four of the U.S. bioweapons labs.
[12] The "Patriot Act" was already written up before 9-11, just required a whiff of domestic anthrax to force passage with a bit more bio-terrorism on the Congress itself by domestic terrorists;
[13] Bush and his whole Cabinet of course were out of danger: they were taking an anthrax exclusive drug to counter it, from September 11 onward, so when the anthrax hit in early October in DC, Bush's staff would be immune to the domestic-in-origin anthrax terrorism. The interesting point of course is Bush's whole team all psyched up and anticipating an anthrax attack one month in advance--which just so happens to be the incubation time for the anthax bacilli--I could go on ad nauseum. The whole U.S. government is a terrorist unit, operating under the guise of its counter terrorism squads.]
Summary (On Portland Indymedia)
Dr. Jones is a co-founder of Scholars for 911 Truth.
"If Dr. Jones's work ever breaks into the mainstream media, and the rest of the country reacts the way the Utah County audience reacted, traditional political divisions will evaporate like steel beams exploded with thermite, and the whole lot of them, the Democrats and the Republicans, will be swept away, along with the military-industrial complex that has apparently managed to subvert the constitution of these United States and to con the American public, mesmerized by the shock of 9/11 and hypnotized by spell-binding incantations of freedom and patriotism, into going along with their mad plans for world domination."
BYU Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples, Building Collapses an Inside Job.....Based on chemical analysis of WTC structural steel residue, a Brigham Young University physics professor has identified the material as Thermate. Thermate is the controlled demolition explosive thermite plus sulfur. Sulfur cases the thermite to burn hotter, cutting steel quickly and leaving trails of yellow colored residue.