Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

World View
By Ryan Paul Franklin. Destini Money
Destini Money
Thursday, Jul 15, 2010

Editor's Note: Question: Who has something more intelligent - or true - to say? Over the last 7 years since we first launched Axis of Logic, I have read too many essays and listened to too many "opinions" from the erudite on the Left. There is a tremendous amount of repetition and too many writers/analysts who talk and write about what's wrong in this world and about how the wrong should be righted. But the problem, in my view, is not all that complicated. Ryan Paul Franklin for me, exemplifies our hope. Ryan explains just how simple it is. And the arrogant Left cynic demands, "Oh, Ryan! And just how are you going to do all that?". Don't worry - they can with an ingenuity that we could only dream of -and hopefully, they will. The best we can do is to give them our support. It's not Axis of Logic or Counterpunch, Alternet, Truthout, or Dissident Voice nor any of the rest of the "important" Leftist media ... nor the writer/analysts - who are the real threat to war and the Global Corporate Empire. It's the youth who understand ... and give us hope ... people like Ryan.

- Les Blough, Editor

Source: Ryan says, "And here is the first step.. (was originally on my facebook profile) It is not utopia." - Destini Money