Axis of Logic
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World News
Thousands in Haiti march on Aristide's birthday
By Randall White
Haiti Action
Wednesday, Jul 21, 2010

The opening ceremonies at the gate of President Aristide's former residence in Tabarre, Haiti. (photos: ©2010 Teledyol/Garry Dolcine)

Fanmi Lavalas leader Rene Civil was one of the mobilization organizers

Haiti - Starting at the gates of former Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide's residence in Tabarre, yesterday, thousands of Lavalas supporters began their spirited ten-mile march and demonstration ending up at the collapsed National Palace in Haiti's capital. Along the way, thousands more joined the march as it passed the Aristide Foundation, turned west along the north-side of the airport past the strong and supporting neighborhoods of Sarthe and Cite Soleil. Finally, the march headed downtown through the Aristide stronghold of Bel-Air past the earthquake devastation of the National Cathedral and back down the hill to join the masses camped out in front of the National Palace to bring their demands. The crowd was estimated to be 7-8 thousand before it arrived at the Palace.

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Every year since the USA kidnapped their democratically-elected president, the People of Haiti have not ceased from calling for his unconditional return from exile in South Africa. And likewise — every year — the forces, the "master" minds behind the Coup d'État of 2004 and their affected corporate-media mouthpieces attempt to distract the public conscience away from the mobilizations on July 15. In other major cities throughout the country there were smaller, but just as lively mobilizations led by the Fanmi Lavalas political organization.

After the deadly earthquake of January 12, this year's commemoration has become even more important to the People of Haiti. The people believe that Aristide could have been more effective at boosting the morale of the county and energizing them, for rebuilding, than what they have concluded to be an unresponsive and indecisive government.

The march heads towards Cite Soliel along the north
side of Toussaint Louverture International Airport

Last year the Preval government blocked Fanmi Lavalas — the largest political organization and supported by an overwhelming majority of the population — from the elections to select members of the Parliament. The day after President René Préval met with US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, his hand-picked election council barred Fanmi Lavalas from the elections.

The entire country called "FOUL" as they boycotted both election days that saw more than 95% of the voting population honoring the boycott and staying home and off of the streets. So far, it appears that the same civil unrest scenario will play out for this year's presidential election scheduled for November.

For most political observers are not surprised that the Earthquake didn't shake up the US Embassy enough to see any change in its Machiavellian agenda to bring Haiti fully into becoming another client state. If anything the agenda of 2009 is the post-earthquake agenda of 2010. The deadly Haiti policies of George Bush I & II are the same as the Haiti policies of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

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Source: Haiti Action