Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Rara Road Runner gets first prize this week as Choice Reader's Comment
By Rara Road Runner.
Axis of Logic
Friday, Jul 15, 2011

From Rararoadrunner on President Hugo Chávez and The Caviar of theLeft | Media Critiques |

The recent howdy-do President Chavez got from the Reaper seems to me to underscore the need for 21st Century socialism to grow deep roots and spread its branches far beyond Venezuela...hence beyond the reach of anyone targeting President Chavez.

Venezuela is still a capitalist country with a socialist government and President: that needs to change not only in Venezuela, but beyond, so socialism won't be trapped and suffocated in a single country.

Will socialism, rooted in economic democracy, have time to grow and mature into the determining social formation in Venezuela before Hugo Chavez has to retire? In my view, we need to look beyond the question of who would replace him, to the deeper question of: what kind of society must emerge before Venezuela is put safely beyond the reach of capitalists?

I come from San Bernardino...not the favela of Caracas, but the far larger, more crime-ridden one of California. Would that we saw the half of the progress against crime that has been made in Venezuela!

Law enforcement begins with Constitution enforcement: deteriorating here, improving in Venezuela.

Crime is rooted in the sociopathic system of capitalism: it will continue to flourish under that system.

Crime-fighting? Oh yes, let's start at the top: unless and until we do that, all our other efforts are laughable!

Hasta la victoria, siempre, MKO.

Source: Axis of Logic