Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Human Rights
UK's social 9/11? 'Cops protect elite - never people'
By Sukant Chandan interviewed on RT
RT News
Friday, Aug 12, 2011

Sukant Chandan gets it right - pointing his finger directly at Cameron. 

The British Prime Minister has vowed that rioters will pay for what they've done, as he addressed Parliament in the wake of clashes that engulfed the country. What started as a peaceful protest against police shooting a man in North London quickly grew into scenes of bedlam. London-based political analyst Sukrant Chandan believes the core of the problem is the lost generation of youth.

Read Sukant Chandan on Axis of Logic:

The Libyan Rebellion: The West's Cloak over the Gulf by Sukant Chandan

No Time for Poetry