Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

United States
OccupyWallStreet Peaceful Protest on Wall Street - Sep17
By Wall Street Rally
Monday, Sep 19, 2011

Editorial comment: Don't miss Charlie Chaplin's wonderful speech in the 3rd video. It's remarkable how every word he's saying applies to the situation we are in today, even though he's addressing himself to the world from almost 60 years ago, after the near Nazi/fascist takeover of the world. So here we are, once again. - SON


RT News #OccupyWallStreet# OurWallStreet Protests On WallStreet

#OurWallStreet #OccupyWallStreet #TakeWallStreet #Anonymous

Charlie Chaplin in his arousing final speech in his famous movie 'The Dictator'