Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

World News
Occupy Boston Activist Reacts to Bernanke Visit in Boston
By News Bulletin
Sunbeam TV via MSNBC
Tuesday, Oct 18, 2011

Occupy Boston group, Fed chairman don't interact

BOSTON -- With Occupy Boston protesting economic inequality, the head of the U.S. Federal Reserve paid a visit to Boston on Tuesday. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke talked about the long-term effects of the recession during a speech that was held just steps away from where protesters have set up camp.

Bernanke didn't pay a visit to Occupy Boston when he was in town and protesters didn't take much time to mark his visit, either.

Bernanke delivered the keynote address Tuesday during the Boston Federal Reserve Bank's annual conference. The bank is located directly across from Occupy Boston's makeshift encampment.

“The crisis has forcefully reminded us that the responsibility of central banks…is at least as important as responsibility to use monetary policy effectively in the pursuit of macro-economic objectives,” said Bernanke.

Bernanke entered and exited out of view of the encampment, but protesters either didn't know or didn't care that he was inside during his early afternoon speech.

When the corporate media asked Philip O'Connell if he wanted to see Bernanke speak with them he replied:

“Oh God almighty, hell no! If that little mouse came over here, I would politely tell him, ‘You need to go, or else… I’m Irish Catholic, I might roll up my sleeves and I might send you flying over that street.’ I don’t need a little faker like him coming over here, because he’s just going to blow smoke, he’s just a politician.”

There were no demonstrations and protesters stationed on the sidewalk didn't hold any signs that addressed Bernanke directly.

(mild editing by Axis of Logic)

Source: Sunbeam TV via MSNBC