Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Choice Reader Comment
By Lori High Priestess (comment); The Dream (video)
Dream Pictures
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Editor's Note: "Lori High Priestess" suggested this video created by "The Dream" in her Reader's Comment to an article we published, "Lies Killed The Colonel." Both, LHP and The Dream are both long-time correspondents with Axis of Logic and we thank them both.

Lori wrote the following comment:

"I am posting this here because I am not sure where else to do that on your site...But I do know that Dream would want you guys to see it. And it does relate to this article. This is a preview to a film called "SUPERPOWERS". I do know he put it on Vimeo because he thinks youtube will delete it."

Her comment continues below the video. 

- Les Blough, Editor

Lori High Priestess (con't):

The citizens of the United States are convinced that what they did in Libya was a good thing that helped many people. The reason for that is because they are victims of their own government's propaganda. However there is something very disturbing about the reactions they give when someone tries to explain what actually took place in Libya. Many of them get upset because they claim I need to let go of this and forget about it. Many of the comments I receive are from people who say that because I am a woman I should concern myself about other things and why do I waste my time beating a dead horse? But it was the last comment I received that was so revealing...These are his words the way they were given to me: "I don't give a crap about 30,000 dead Libyans."

There is a lot more to this than meets the eye. Most news outlets in the world treat the continent of Africa with indifference as well as contempt in many areas. Many events take place there that are never reported period, much less even referred to. The only reports that you ever see are negative as well as misleading, seeing as none of them tell about the realities of Africa. 
Because of that the continent of Africa is shrouded in a cloak of mystery and ignorance as far as many of the people who live in other places are concerned. As a whole, I think its safe to say that most people literally know nothing about this subject, and accept every single written thing or news broadcast they ever see about it as the written in stone truth. They have nothing, nor do they look for anything that might either back up what they see, or show it to be a lie. 
This has been going on for decades now, and the powers that be have been very successful with this. VERY SUCCESSFUL. This incident with Libya will go down as one more insignificant event that no one gives a crap about. My own feelings about this is that I want to cry for the people of Africa who have been subjected to the worst kinds of treatment by the rest of the world as well as their own governments who get all the support from that same world.