Axis of Logic
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World News
Colombia: Ex paramilitary commander reveals location of mass graves
By Translated and edited for Axis of Logic by Arturo Rosales
Axis of Logic
Friday, Jun 15, 2012

180 mass graves in Unguía, Chocó y Necoclí have now been revealed in the department of Antioquia. According to figures published by the Colombian AG, 173,183 people have been murdered by the right wing death squads under the Alvaro Uribe presidency - a regime that had full support and funding from Washington. The Colombian paramilitary organizations were also supported by Colombian politicians, military, cattle ranchers and corporations like Coca Cola. 

Ex paramilitary commander reveals location of mass graves
There have been many requests by the thousands of families whose loved ones were slaughtered by the paramilitaries in Colombia to reveal the whereabouts of the mass graves where their remains are buried. Now the Colombian Attorney General has stated that the ex paramilitary commander, Freddy Rendón Herrera, alias “el Alemán” (The German), has finally agreed to reveal the location of some 180 mass graves in Unguía, Chocó y Necoclí in the department of Antioquia.,

The first indications of the location of the mass graves took place in the area of Los Carlos, in the Antioquia municipality of Necoclí, where Rendón Herrera testified that there were many victims buried there who has been executed for allegedly collaborating with the FARC guerillas by extreme right wing paramilitaries such as Carlos Castaño, The Arlex Hurtado Front, the Banana Block, the Elmer Cardenas Block and the Los Guelengues Group.

Rendón Herrera himself accompanies the investigators from the Attorney General´s office to the places where, according to his confessions, victims assassinated between 1995 and 1997 were buried. This is the precise period when ex Colombian president, Alvaro Uribe Vélez was the governor of Antioquia.

These years marked the birth of COEXISTENCE which was formed by private security groups hired to defend the interests of the Colombian oligarchy and extreme right wing political groups. They were in fact paramilitaries who carried out massacres such as the one in El Aro where fifteen peasant farmers were slaughtered and no one was ever brought to justice for this.

The number of victims of the paramilitary coalition founded originally y Alvaro Uribe Vélez after his father was killed by the FARC are 173,183 according to figures published by the Colombian Attorney General. The paramilitaries have been responsible for thousands of assassinations of innocent people over the years in Colombia as well as the displacement of millions of Colombians from their homeland, mainly into Venezuela, where they can live in peace and receive support from the Bolivarian government and its Social Missions.

Original Source (in Spanish): La Iguana TV