Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

United States
Foo Fighters: Keepin' it Clean in KC & The Best of You
By Foo Fighters
Skin and Bones Album
Thursday, Aug 9, 2012

Editor's Note: We like the energy, the message and instrumentation in the first video below, "Best of You." How about it? Is "somebody" getting the best of you?

Foo Fighters - Best of You

"Were you born to resist or be abused?"

This Foo Fighters video - if not for entertainment ... for the humor. One year ago on Aug. 30th, 2011 Westboro Baptist Church called for a picket of the Foo Fighters show in Kansas City. Foo Fighters: "We had a little something up our sleeve. God Bless America." The longer story from Digital Journal is included below the second video. This is their counter demo. - Axis of Logic

Keepin' it Clean in KC

Kansas City - The Foo Fighters took the spotlight away from the Westboro Baptist Church and directed it on themselves when they pulled up at a recent picket of their concert at the Sprint Center and performed a song for cheering fans.

The tables were turned on Westboro Baptist Church," according to KSHB in Kansas City, Missouri, when the Foo Fighters serenaded protesters and counter-protesters alike last week at an event scheduled by the WBC to call attention to their radical views.

In a statement on the group's website, Westboro's condemns the musicians and the entertainment industry as "a microcosm of the people in this doomed nation: hard-hearted, Hell-bound, and hedonistic. These people have a platform and should be using it to encourage obedience to God; instead they teach every person who will listen all things contrary to Him: fornication, adultery, idolatry, fags."

The Foo Fighters responded to Westboro's hate, which is usually reserved for military funeral's and high-profile event's, by staging an impromptu concert that was recorded on video and uploaded to YouTube where it has gone viral, receiving over 1.4 million views in less then five days.

KSHB reports, "The Foo Fighters wore costumes that they used in their recent parody video "Hot Buns", and mocked the small group of Westboro protesters, who are known for their anti-homosexual views. Lyrics in the Foo Fighters song taunted the church's views, including the satirical lyrics "Driving all night, got a hankering for something, Think I'm in the mood for some hot-man muffins, Mmmm, sounds so fine, yes indeed."

The members of the Phelps' family appear to be dumbstruck by the surprise appearance by the Foo Fighters. Shirley Phelps Roper, daughter of Fred Phelps, can be seen in the video smiling, holding signs that delivered their message that America's acceptance of homosexuality is the cause of all the country's woes.

Foo Fighters lead singer Dave Grohl ended the five minute concert by delivering a message of his own to Westboro Baptist Church and his fans, who were gathered around the make-shift stage.

He said: "Ladies and gentlemen, God bless America! Land of the free, home of the brave. It takes all kinds. I don't care if you're black or white or purple or green. Whether you're Pennsylvanian or Transylvanian, Lady Gaga or Lady Antebellum, it takes all kinds. God Bless America."

Source: Digital Journal