Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

World News
Uribe’s War
By News Bulletin
Correo del Orinoco
Saturday, Aug 18, 2012

Editor's Note: Regarding Uribe's accusations that Venezuela supported the FARC, we must remember that it was President Chávez who broke the 30 year civil war in Colombia that was supported by Uribe and the U.S. Chávez and Colombian Senadora Piedad Córdoba were the first to free FARC-held hostages from their jungle captivity in 2008. The act cost Chávez politically when he was heavily criticized by the political left but he did it because it was the right thing to do. So enough of this crap about his support of "terrorism" in Colombia or for that matter, any other place in the world. As for Alvaro Uribe, he's a has-been puppet, chewed up and spit out by his Washington masters after they were through with him.

- Les Blough in Venezuela

Former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe revealed this week that he had planned to invade Venezuela militarily, but had “lacked [the] time” to do it. Uribe was president of Colombia from 2002-2010, and left office on the verge of war with neighboring Venezuela. In the weeks before the end of his last term, Uribe called for international intervention in Venezuela to crush an alleged “terrorist threat”. “We had new proof of [Colombian] guerrilla camps in Venezuela. We had three options; denounce them, stay quiet or a military operation in Venezuela, for which I lacked the time”, said Uribe.

Venezuela has denied ties to Colombian guerrilla’s and reiterated that no refuge for terrorists has been provided.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez responded to Uribe on Tuesday, saying it wasn’t time he lacked, it was “cojones”.

Source: Correo del Orinoco