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World News
Bolivia enacts Law of Mother Earth and GMO ban
By News Bulletin
Elderber (Spanish). Censored News (English
Monday, Nov 5, 2012

In an emotional ceremony at the Palacio Quemado, President Evo Morales enacted the Law of the Pachamama (Mother Earth).

Pachamama Law enacted and GMO ban in Bolivia!

President Evo Morales enacted the Law of Mother Earth and Integral Development to Live Well. Morales issued the Law of Mother Earth in an emotional ceremony at the Palacio Quemado.

The Law of Mother Earth and Integral Development to Live Well promulgated by President Evo Morales provides for the elimination of the concentration of landownership or landlordism and other components in the hands of landowners and companies, and prohibits the introduction, production, use, and release of genetically modified seeds in the country.

The most outstanding new rule also created the Public Defender System, Climate Justice Fund, which provides that public lands should be distributed to mostly women and indigenous peoples, and orders regulating foreign ownership and control of the property, access and use of the components of Mother Earth.

Original Source (Spanish): Eldeber

Source in English: Censored News