Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Editor's Choice
"The General's Son" - Journey of an Israeli in Palestine
By Miko Peled
A church in Seattle, Washington
Saturday, Jan 19, 2013

Editor's Comment: This talk given by Miko Peled, an Israeli General's son, is nothing less than riveting. His 45 minute discourse is one of the most clear and irrefutable arguments for a single democratic state in Palestine/Israel based on his account of what has happened in Palestine since 1947 and continues to take place today. He describes his own transformation thus: "Suddenly you learn that everything you know is not true. It's so painful. Coming from my family background it was very painful." With his talk and questions asked at the end the video is 68 minutes long. We hope that everyone who sees this title on Axis of Logic will watch it and hear what Miko Peled has to say about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

- Axis of Logic