Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

"Too Cool for School"
By Dayna and Joe Martin
Dayna Martin Website
Thursday, Feb 14, 2013

Editor's commentI like much of what this mother and dad have to say about educating our kids. Dayna and her husband, Joe, take a radically different approach to living with and 'educating' their son and daughter. Their methods are known as "unschooling" (not to be confused with "home schooling") - but "education" is only a part of their broader view of parenting involved with respecting their children as partners rather than only subjects to parental authority. There may be something to gain from them if we temporarily set aside what we've learned about parenting and can listen with open minds. One thing that is not addressed in the two videos below are the laws that make school attendance - or the use of government-approved curriculums for home-schooling, compulsory in the United States. But you can go to Dayna Martin's website and ask about this by sending her an email. Apparently there are parents who adopt the "unschooling" alternative within the limits of the law. Frankly, the first video is to some extent, bait and the interviewing skills of the host are sorely lacking. In the second video the Martin's describe their approach to parenting their son and daughter..

- Les Blough, Editor
Axis of Logic 

Dayna Martin - How to free your children

Radical Unschooling Life with Joe and Dayna Martin

Dayna and Joe share what it is like to be Unschooling parents. They also answer common questions that people often ask them and share about Radical Unschooling philosophy and how it works in their family.

"In this video interview Joe and I talk about what it is like to be Unschooling parents. We share about Radical Unschooling philosophy and our beliefs surrounding respect, kindness and partnership with our children. I have also posted a few questions that I received after sharing this video with others."

Dayna Martin's website