Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

World View
Pro Infirmis «Because who is perfect? Get Closer»
By Alain Gsponer, Director. Proinfirmis
Sunday, Dec 22, 2013

Editor's Note: We introduce this interesting 4 minute video with a few comments written by youtube viewers. - Axis of Logic

Debby Bruck:
Who is perfect among us? An innovative project for window shoppers who chance upon an imperfect model. What kind of reaction would you have? This may give you a chance to think deeply about forgiveness, tolerance, understanding, and kindness. What strikes you about the people who allow themselves to have a mannequin model of their body formed and displayed to the public?

louis tran: Good!

Joseph Kemper: That is powerful

TJ Anderson: The reactions are priceless.

Marcia Blake: You don't have to be labeled "different" in any way to appreciate this beautiful video. View it and keep it in your heart; you may like the changes it can give you, if you will let it.

Syreeta Jackson
: This made me cry. This is beautiful and we are all perfect

vteresa vargo
: Beautiful....! 

: very touching and beautiful, love is. thanks for sharing

Debby Bruck:  Funniest thing has happened recently when checking clothing sizes. The #10 - #12 for women now is for larger sized women, when it was always for average sized in the past. The garment manufacturers have changed label sizes to make women feel slimmer to be able to wear a smaller size. Everything is a delusion.

True, the last ten or more years have also seen flourishing of 'large and tall' size stores for both men and women.

Today, people can select so many styles and varieties of clothing, with societal acceptance. However, sectors in business and arts, etc. have their "uniform" that exhibits their professionalism.

Many garments, in my humble opinion, are too revealing, without humility. I do agree, that those persons in the film have tremendous character.

Marcia Blake: You don't have to be labeled "different" in any way to appreciate this beautiful video. View it and keep it in your heart; you may like the changes it can give you, if you will let it.

Ronda Reed
: Beautiful and amazing. I loved it! :)

Svardskampe I have no disability myself, nor do I know anyone who has in my family. Though this is what touched me when I chose to study biomedical engineering, so I could help these people by designing robotical protheses or maybe another form of help. This video itself made me nearly cry.

Sarmistha Sinha
:   - a masterpiece creation (the video)!  my personal feeling is: if 'ab' is removed from 'abnormal', everything becomes 'normal'. and this 'ab' is nothing but 'attitudinal barrier'. I am a spinal cord injured from Kolkata, heartiest wishes to all: Merry Christmas & a ver happy New Year 2014!!

Published December 2, 2013

Disabled mannequins will be eliciting astonished looks from passers-by on Zurich's Bahnhofstrasse today. Between the perfect mannequins, there will be figures with scoliosis or brittle bone disease modelling the latest fashions. One will have shortened limbs; the other a malformed spine. The campaign has been devised for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by Pro Infirmis, an organisation for the disabled. Entitled "Because who is perfect? Get closer;" it is designed to provoke reflection on the acceptance of people with disabilities. Director Alain Gsponer has captured the campaign as a short film.

The figures are life-sized, three-dimensional representations of Miss Handicap 2010, Jasmin Rechsteiner, radio presenter and film critic Alex Oberholzer, track and field athlete Urs Kolly, blogger Nadja Schmid and actor Erwin Aljukic.
"We often go chasing after ideals instead of accepting life in all its diversity. Pro Infirmis strives especially for the acceptance of disability and the inclusion of people with disabilities," says Mark Zumbühl, a member of the Pro Infirmis Executive Board, in describing the campaign.

About Pro Infirmis (translated from German by Axis of Logic)

Pro Infirmis starts with the rights of all people to live their lives according to the possibilities of defining themselves and their own responsibilities.

Pro Infirmis steps in for the highest possible and unlimited participation of incapacitated people in the context of life in society and a social life. It combats the tendency of disadvantage and marginalization of incapacitated people.

It demands solidarity between incapacitated and non incapacitated people.

Pro Infirmis helps create real opportunities for incapacitated people in all walks of life especially in schooling, training, in the workplace, for housing and is in recreation. A condition is a livable income even for incapacitated people.

Source: Proinfirmis