Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Global Empire
Armed neo-Nazis have taken over Ukraine
By Paul Craig Roberts
Times of Oman
Saturday, Mar 8, 2014

Reality on the ground in Ukraine contradicts the incompetent and immoral Obama regime's portrait of Ukrainian democracy on the march. To the extent that government exists in post-coup Ukraine, it is laws dictated by gun and threat wielding thugs of the neo-Nazi, Russophobic, ultra-nationalist, right-wing parties.  

The neo-Nazis are intimidating the Central Election Commission in order to secure rule and personnel changes in order to favour the ultra-right in the forthcoming elections. Thug Aleksandr Shevchenko informed the CEC that armed activists will remain in CEC offices in order to make certain that the election is not rigged against the neo-Nazis. What he means, of course, is the armed thugs will make sure the neo-Nazis win. If the neo-Nazis don't win, the chances are high that they will take power regardless.

Members of President Yanukovich's ruling party, the Party of Regions, have been shot, had arrest warrants issued for them, have experienced home invasions and physical threats, and are resigning in droves in hopes of saving the lives of themselves and their families. The prosecutor's office in the Volyn region has been ordered by ultra-nationalists to resign en masse.

I might have been the first and only to predict that Washington's organisation of pro-EU Ukrainian politicians into a coup against the elected government of Ukraine would destroy democracy and establish the precedent that force prevails over elections, thereby empowering the organised and armed extreme right-wing.

This is precisely what has happened. Note that there was no one in the Obama regime who had enough sense to see the obvious result of their smug, self-satisfied interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

If a democratically elected president and ruling party are so easily driven from power by armed neo-Nazis, what chance do Washington's paid stooges among the so-called "moderates" have of forming a government? These are the corrupt people who wanted President Yanukovich out of office so that they could take the money instead. The corruption charge against Yanukovich was cover for the disloyal, undemocratic "moderate" schemers to seize power and be paid millions of dollars by Washington for taking Ukraine into the EU and Nato.

The Washington-paid schemers are now reaping their just reward as they sit in craven silence while neo-Nazi Muzychko wielding an Ak-47 challenges government officials to their face: "I dare you take my gun!"

Only Obama, Susan Rice, Victoria Nuland, Washington's European puppets, and the Western media can describe the brutal reality of post-coup Ukraine as "the forward march of democracy."

The West now faces a real mess, and so does Russia. The media will keep the American public from ever knowing what has happened, and the Obama regime will never admit it. It is not always clear that even the Russians want to admit it.  

Yanukovich is history, as are Washington's "moderates." The moderates are not only corrupt; they are stupid. The fools even disbanded the Riot Police, leaving themselves at the mercy of the armed right-wing Nazi thugs.

Ukraine is out of control. This is what happens when an arrogant, but imprudent, Assistant Secretary of State (Victoria Nuland) plots with an equally arrogant and unwise US ambassador (Pyatt) to put their candidates in power once their coup against the elected president succeeded.

The situation will almost certainly lead to war. However, Putin is being demonised by Washington and the poodles who comprise the US print and TV media. European and British politicians would have their Washington pay checks cut off if they aligned with Putin.

War is unavoidable, because the Western public is out to lunch. The more facts and information I provide, the more emails I receive defending the "sincere (and well paid) protesters' honest protests against corruption," as if corruption were the issue.

I hear from Ukrainians and from those of Ukrainian ethnicity in Canada and the US that it is natural for Ukrainians to hate Russians because Ukrainians suffered under Communism, as if suffering under Communism, which disappeared in 1991, is unique to Ukrainians and has anything to do with the US coup that has fallen into neo-Nazi hands.

No doubt. Many suffered under communism, including Russians. But was the suffering greater than the suffering of Japanese civilians twice nuked by the "Indispensable people," or the suffering by German civilians whose cities were firebombed, like Tokyo, by the "exceptional people"?

Today Japan and Germany are Washington's puppet states. In contrast, Ukraine was an independent country with a working relationship with Russia. It was this relationship that Washington wished to destroy. 
Source: Times of Oman

Now that a reckless and incompetent Washington has opened Pandora's Box, more evil has been released upon the world. The suffering will not be confined to Ukraine.

Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. His latest book are The Failure of Laissez-Faire Capitalism and How the Economy Was Lost.

Source: Times of Oman