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World News
Brits' Head of Army Whines on Loss of Support for Militarism
By Tom Whitehead, Daily Telegraph,
Daily Telegraph,
Thursday, Mar 13, 2014

General Sir Peter Wall warns a "moral disarmament" in a war weary West sends a message to future adversaries

13 March 2014 - A “moral disarmament” in the West that has resulted in a reluctance to engage in conflicts will be exploited by Britain’s enemies, the head of the army has warned.

General Sir Peter Wall said a decade of “politically awkward campaigning” over Iraq and Afghanistan has led to an appetite to “defend on the goal line”.

But adversaries will take advantage of such “reticence” and may have already changed their expectation on how the UK will react to provocation, he warned.

Although he did not name Russia, the comments come at a time when President Vladimir Putin is testing the West’s mettle in a tense stand-off over Ukraine.

Sir Peter, the Chief of the General Staff, also issued a thinly veiled warning against further cuts to the armed forces insisting the potential for “force on force” engagements is not a “thing of the past” as some believe.

The ability to manoeuvre all three forces together also takes a “generation” to create and could be needed “sooner than we think”, he said.

Last year General Sir Nicholas Houghton, Chief of the Defence Staff, warned of a "creeping aversion to risk" when it came to deploying UK military force.

In August David Cameron was humiliated when his Government failed to secure parliamentary backing for military strikes against Syria while last month Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, spoke of a "war weary" public.

In a speech to the Chatham House foreign affairs think-tank, Sir Peter highlighted the Syria vote and the West’s decision to use air and missile strikes instead of ground troops in Libya as examples of that “reticence”.

He said having “ready forces” sent a deterrent to potential adversaries that “will shape their behaviour towards us”.

But he warned: “The sense of sense of what some have described as moral disarmament in the West after ten years of politically awkward campaigns and a false sense of negligible threats may already be a factor in others expectations of our reaction to provocation.”

Constant criticism and protests over the UK’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan and the way those operations were handled has led to a war weariness culminating in last summer’s Syria vote humiliation.

Sir Peter said: “In the domestic context, political inclination for the UK to be involved in new operations is currently low - perhaps understandably so in the light of the past decade of campaigning.

“The Syria vote, the preference for stand-off engagement with precision weapons with limited land engagement which we saw in Libya are indications of this reticence. In the case of the latter we now understand better the limitations of such an approach.

"We should be prepared for our potential adversaries to exploit this. We should beware of over-correcting from the undeniably awkward experience of the last decade.”

He said: “Ultimately history tells us that in some circumstances committed land forces may be the only way to achieve decisive outcomes in support of our strategic objectives.”

Sir Peter also appeared to warn any against potential future cuts to the armed forces and their ability to react in a changing and unpredictable world.

The Army is being slashed from 102,000 to 82,000 while the number of part-time reservists is to be expanded to 30,000 by 2018.

Thousands have gone in the past three years and the cuts will leave the regular Army smaller than it has been since after the Napoleonic Wars.

But Sir Peter said: “We should not rule out the potential for force-on-force engagements, which are felt by many to be less than likely and a thing of the past.

"But we do know that military manoeuvre capability - particularly that which involves a contribution from the three services together - takes us generations to create and we may need it sooner than we think."

He said the stand off in Ukraine was “a situation we did not foresee" that one that is “confounding our previous assumptions about stability across Europe".

With the US increasingly focusing its attention on the Pacific region, there is also a greater reliance on Europe to “fend for ourselves”, he said.

“You could take the view that our backyard is getting bigger, that area for which we are responsible for security ourselves,” he said.

The dangers from cyber, terrorist groups exploiting unstable regimes such as those in Africa and Syria and the danger of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons falling in to the wrong hands are also all constant threats.

The speech came as Mr Hammond warned Afghan forces could relinquish parts of the country to the Taliban when British forces and allies leave at the end of the year.

He said the Afghanistan forces may "focus less on some areas that we have sought to hold" in future and warned political uncertainty over the signing of a deal allowing international troops to remain post 2014 could result in all personnel being withdrawn.

In America, the commander of the US and Nato forces in Afghanistan warned a full withdrawal of troops would play in to the hands of al-Qaeda.

America’s Marine General Joseph Dunford said the gains made over the last 13 years would be lost and the “only debate is the pace of that deterioration”.

He said the terror group was ““in survival mode” in Afghanistan and suggested between 8,000 and 12,000 Nato troops should remain after this year

Last year Sir Peter told The Daily Telegraph that vital territory won by British forces in the country risked being lost to the Taliban after the planned military withdrawal.

This week also marked three years of the Syrian conflict and former Labour frontbencher John Woodock yesterday told the House of Commons that Britain's failure to intervene was "shameful".

Source: Telegraph (UK)