Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

United States
McCain’s Eleven Point Plan For War (and much more)
By Daniel McAdams (article); Axis of Logic commentary
Lew Rockwell. Axis of Logic
Monday, Mar 24, 2014

Editor's Note
: Remember, the subject of this article is the same mouthy fraud who used his daddy's connections to become a Navy pilot, crashed 3 airplanes before he ever got to Vietnam (without losing his wings); spent most of his time in the US Navy, drinking, gambling and womanizing; was released from a Vietnam POW camp as a result of offering a confession and strings pulled by his family in Washington, before 2 of his fellow prisoners in Vietnam made a daring escape, one of them tortured & killed in the process; returned to the US as a war hero to launch his political career; had a reputation with everyone who knew him as a "hothead with an explosive temper;" married for money to fund his political career; was deeply involved with Charlie Keating, the banker who was convicted on 73 counts fraud and racketeering in the savings-and-loan scandal of the 1980s that cost US taxpayers $124 Billion and McCain took huge contributions from corrupt corporations like EchoStar, Univision and Cablevision to fund his 2000 presidential campaign.  You can read many more details about this bellicose, corrupt US politician in Rolling Stone's John McCain - The Make-Believe Maverick, published on Axis of Logic in 2008.

- Les Blough, Editor
Axis of Logic

Sen. McCain to the rescue. He looks on in horror as the dramatic threats of the Obama administration against Russia on Ukraine are not only undeterring but in fact mocked by the Russians.

He has developed an eleven point plan to hoist the administration back up onto a war footing with Russia. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

McCain would start of course with money. Not his own but ours. His first point is to pass the one billion dollar loan guarantee to Ukraine currently stalled in the Senate. Just an appetizer, as he foresees much more US money “to strengthen the IMF’s ability to be a stronger partner to Ukraine.”

Then McCain would have NATO come in to Ukraine to “rebuild” the Ukrainian military, presumably to prepare it to attack Russia and presumably we would have to pay for this as well.

NATO would then be expected to be more attuned to the anti-Russian impulses of its new members in the Baltics and eastern Europe, or as Russia expert Eric Kraus puts it, the Baltic and Polish tail wagging the dog. Or as McCain puts it: “Enhance NATO’s force presence, security cooperation, and military exercises, especially in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic countries.”

Most significantly, McCain’s plan is to bring into NATO as many countries as possible as quickly as possible so that the possibility that the US will not go to war at the behest of Georgia or some other chihuahua nation in the region will be legally impossible. Every little corner of the former Soviet world who pokes Russia should have the instant backing of the entire US nuclear arsenal.

It is moral hazard on methamphetamine.

Says McCain, we must:

Work within NATO to take all necessary steps that can prepare for the expansion of the alliance to include countries such as Georgia and Montenegro as soon as possible.

McCain is working overtime to push the US to war with Russia over an insignificant piece of land thousands of miles away. Expect at least a 15 point plan tomorrow. (Photos added by Axis of Logic from El Pescador)

Daniel McAdams is the Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute.

Source: Lew Rockwell

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