Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

A Message to the Mainstream Media from Axis of Logic
By Paul Richard Harris, Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic Exclusive
Monday, Apr 7, 2014

Do us all a favour: Find something to talk about besides the missing Malaysian jetliner.

You folks in the Mainstream Media (MSM) have fallen all over yourselves in a rush to deliver report after report after report about this story, each subsequent report saying nothing more than the last. We get that this is a mystery. We get that this is a tragedy for many people, especially those who were (we presume) killed when that plane (we presume) crashed into the ocean.

But here's a tip: There are HUGE stories waiting all over the world for someone to tell them. There are wars and famines; there are natural disasters and diseases of all kinds; there are elections (both fair and otherwise) and governmental overthrows (both desirable and otherwise); there is even a lot of good news out there that people might like to know.

So, now that you've agreed to stop telling us the story of the Malaysian airliner 18 times a day, here's what you do the next time some big story like this breaks:
  • Report that it happened
  • Report what is being done about it
  • Report when the story is resolved.
That's it.

All the mindless minutia you repeat - over and over - is simply meant to distract us from the rest of the world's events and news, and we don't need that. We need you to focus on what journalism schools were supposed to have taught you.

Thanks for your attention. Now, get back to work.

Editorial Staff,
Axis of Logic

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