Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Critical Analysis
World War III
By Arturo Rosales, Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic, YouTube
Tuesday, Aug 5, 2014

“We’re building up to World War III."
- Gerald Celente

Celente is a seasoned commentator of Trends Journal and analyzes the looming geopolitical crisis on the USA Watchdog show.

The video below is almost 40 minutes long and reflects in many ways the recent article written by James Petras.  

The interviewer, Greg Hunter, comes in for some heavy criticism from Celente as he appears to support the Israeli arguments as portrayed by the corporate media, without connecting the dots as Celente so expertly does.

Celente, who has an enviable track record of predicting economic and geopolitical events talks about the economy, Ukraine, Russia, Libya, Isis, Syria, and the US and concludes quite clearly that: “We’re building up to World War III”.

This video is worth watching.