Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Media Critiques
Journalism at its Best: CNN sets the Gold Standard
By Matt Wilstein, MediaIte
Mediaite & YouTube
Sunday, Mar 8, 2015

CNN Has Completely Given Up on the Meaning of ‘Breaking News’

Over the past year, we’ve seen CNN use its “Breaking News” Chyron to report that solving the missing MH370 plane mystery “could take years” and to tell us that the Titanic sunk 102 years ago, among other less than urgent stories. But this latest example just might be the best “Breaking News” ever.

After Washington, D.C. police banned sledding on Capitol Hill during Thursday’s snowstorm, CNN sent Joe Johns out into the cold to report on the parents and children who were boldly defying those rules:

“This is mainly a really good hill, because there’s a lot of packed snow in it and at the other one it’s just really muddy, it gets muddy really fast,” one kid told CNN. Another added, “What do they have to do with this hill? Like, why can’t we sled on it? They’re doing nothing with the hill!”

According to Johns, police are not actually enforcing the ban. “How could you?” he asked.

Watch the groundbreaking report from Mr Johns:

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