Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Poetry of Mankh
The No Offense Menagerie
By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III)
Axis of Logic
Monday, Oct 5, 2015

The US Empire, with its approximately 1000 military bases worldwide,
humongous military budget and arms sales,
is the gorilla in the room* (no offense to gorillas).
Umpteen political candidates jockeying for position
(no offense to horses) & slying vying for the hen-house
of your mind (no offense to hens or foxes).
Can we really talk?
I don’t know
because it’s a social butterfly society
(no offense to eggs-larvae-pupas-butterflies).
If people didn’t follow every single sexual urge like a moth to a flame,
there would be less molestations,
less rapes,
less over-population burden
(no offense to moths).
Many people unemployed or living paycheck-to-paycheck
or homeless or hungry,
it’s a lipstick on a pig global economy
(no offense to pigs).
With all the oil spills, tanker explosions, nuclear accidents,
mountain-top coal mining . . .
the dominant energy resource extractions are
a bull in a china shop
(no offense to bulls,
or China
except for air pollution,
river pollution . . .
persecution of dissidents,
torture of Tibetans . . .)
The pesticides and neonicotinoids corporations (Bayer, Syngenta, and others)
are busy as bees (no offense to bees*).
The Project for a New Middle East has countries such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen
lined up like ducks in a row (no offense to ducks).
If all offense-ive military actions
by anybody or any country
were boycotted (no offense to boys),
illegalized (no offense to eagles),
and thwarted (maybe a little offense to warts)
the menagerie,
which includes you and me,
would breathe

Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet on Axis of Logic. In addition to his work as a writer, he is a small press publisher and Turtle Islander. His recent book is “Drive-thru Theofascism & The Hero's Journey” and the newest is “Dear_______, poem-letters to friends and enemies.” You can contact him via his literary website.


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