Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Axis Special Notices
An Axis of Logic Note About Police Killings in the US
By Paul Richard Harris, Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Thursday, Jan 1, 2015

If you pay any attention at all, you will know that US police officers kill people at a pretty good pace. The stats I saw this morning say there were about 1,000 in 2015.

Overwhelmingly, the victims were black. And far too often they were unarmed.

Indeed, many of the shootings - at least as described by the local and national press - defy all reason. There was no indication the officer was under attack, or protecting himself (or herself), or facing any kind of threat to their safety. It seems the victims died most often because shooting people is easier than trying to defuse situations. In other words, impatience.

In the interests of time and space - and because it is impossible to keep up with all the shootings - we will not be reporting every time someone is killed by police. Nor will we be reporting when district attorneys or grand juries choose to lay no charges against the police. The only REAL news will be when a police officer IS charged.

And if that happens, we'll be all over it. That would be something worth reporting.

- prh, editor
Axis of Logic

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