Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

United States
Arrest Warrants Issued for Jill Stein and First Nation Sisters, Where’s Hillary?
By Dallas Darling
Submitted by Author
Monday, Sep 12, 2016

For Hillary Clinton, her oft quoted “Human’s rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights” evidently doesn’t include Jill Stein and First Nation sisters. Indeed, while Jill Stein was making a courageous stand on behalf of First Nation sisters against a destructive oil pipeline, the Democratic candidate instead kept silent over their mistreatment, even courting a military complex while spreading more bogus claims.

Blood, Pipe, and Black Gold
It didn’t take long for Jill Stein to join North Dakota Sioux protectors who were attacked by guard dogs and bulldozers. Indeed, not only had the Dakota Access Pipeline destroyed ancestry lands and graves, but it threatened Standing Rock Reservation’s water supply and sovereignty. Meanwhile, a county sheriff issued warrants of arrest for Jill Stein and others, charging them with trespassing and criminal mischief.

Still, the Green Party candidate declared that, “Standing in solidarity with those putting their lives and bodies on the line to rescue Standing Rock Reservation’s water supply and sovereignty was the least I could do.” In addition to calling on President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to address this crime, she also encouraged them to join and stand with First Nation sisters and brothers to help prevent the destruction of their lands.(1)

Clinton Avoids Responsibility for Hawkish Policies and Wasteful Wars
Though Hillary Clinton didn’t say anything about Standing Rock Reservation’s and Jill Stein’s courageous protests and arrest warrants, the same cannot be said of her comments during a nationally televised “Commander-in-Chief” forum. Indeed, when asked about her “hawkish foreign policy” and “wasteful war campaigns,” she applauded her wars in Libya and Syria claiming that, “We did not lose a single American in that action.”

Mrs. Clinton went on to say that she continued to believe intervening in Libya and Syria was the right decision though many have second-guessed the decision given the countries instability and rise of ISIS. Obviously, the three Americans and ambassador brutally attacked and killed in Benghazi, Libya, doesn’t count. Neither did she mention the 400,000 deaths and millions of refugees caused by her military intervention in Syria.

Did Clinton Change Since World Conference on Women in Beijing
It was in 1995 as First Lady and an official U.S. delegate to the U.N. World Conference on Women in Beijing that Hillary Clinton became known as an adamant fighter of women’s rights. Without naming names, she not only managed to criticize China’s policy of forced sterilization and female infanticide, but she criticized as “indefensible” any government which refused to grant visas to many who had hoped to attend.

Perhaps Mrs. Clinton needs reminded that there is also such a thing as forced “political” sterilization and female ecocide. Indeed, not only is she remaining silent in the face of a court ruling that excluded the Green Party candidate Jill Stein from the upcoming debates, but too many First Nation sisters have had to endure the pain of environmental degradation, watching their children suffer from pollution and adverse climate change.

It Sometimes Takes the Government’s Village to Help Restore Justice
Since conflicts are always driving by poverty, population pressure, and especially the unequal distribution of power, it sometimes takes the government’s village to help restore a sense of fairness and justice. One has to ultimately wonder, then, when Hillary Clinton will join not just her supporters but all women, like the First Nation Sisters and Jill Stein to ensure that they too have rights and equal access to the same political and economic powers.


(1) Note: As a result of the United States’ relationship with Indian tribes that had been contentious and tragic, the Justice Department, the Department of the Army and the Interior Department announced a halt to the construction for now.

Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John‘s Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for