Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Critical Analysis
'Beware of the Deep State'
By Dallas Darling
Submitted by Author
Friday, Dec 2, 2016

“Beware Of the Deep State” Warns Ron Paul to President-Elect Donald Trump

These days no one in the government talks about the Deep State since they say it’s a case of extreme national security. No one that is, except for Ron Paul. To be sure, not only is the former congressman-turned-libertarian and presidential candidate still making a commotion over his views about false flags, murderous wars, rigged elections, and Barack Obama’s presidency, but he just warned Donald Trump that the Deep State’s secret agenda behind national security is hardly the same as that of national necessity.

Deep State’s False Flags and National Security Not Always National Necessity
Rejecting the notion that the national security state is always there to protect Americans and secure their liberties, Ron Paul warned the new President-elect that most false flag terrorists are created by the Deep State to spread fear. In fact, they can even be armed and funded and prompted by CIA/FBI informants who incite domestic and foreign groups to commit terrorist acts. “Why do you think,” asked Ron Paul, that “the media censored WikiLeaks’ revelations of an ultra-secret, high-level group within the government?”

The independent libertarian thinks Donald Trump should also know how the Deep State designs and then carries out terrorist events in such a way that the operations appear as though they were committed by non-state entities. Accordingly, the purpose of these terrorist attacks is to not only create confusion and chaos, but to ensure that individual liberties are sacrificed for national securities. What’s more, they are used to dupe people into supporting and participating in fabricated wars based on lies and misinformation.

Rigged Elections and Even More Rigged Governmental Departments
As for the general election, he believed it was rigged. In fact, he thinks the Founding Fathers’ intentions were never about the creation of a truly democratic United States of America, where everyone shared equal rights, but of a more purposefully designed and invisible aristocracy that could always manipulate the vote in their favor. This state within a state has never been tolerant except towards its own brand of militarism, plutocratic boom-and-bust economy, and comprehensive surveillance state.

Since Ron Paul thinks the “The deep state is a very, very powerful entity which has a lot of control in every department,” Americans should watch as to who Donald Trump appoints. He has in effect already warned of the many war- and corporate-driven neoconservatives surrounding Mr. Trump, all of whom are shadowy government figures entrenched in the Deep State’s secret apparatus’s. They will certainly prevent the Trump Administration from making the most needful and liberating changes.

President Obama Promised Hope and Change Too
For now, Ron Paul wants Americans to try and remember Barack Obama’s presidency. Though he ran as the “Hope and Change” agent against the legacy of President George W. Bush in 2008, when he assumed office his policies in the areas of national security, financial regulation, and foreign policy were strikingly similar. He also reneged on ending wars, abolishing nuclear weapons, and establishing a civilian national security force that would be just as strong and well-funded as the State’s.

“In America you might think you have freedom of speech and thought,” says Ron Paul, “but it’s a whole different matter whether you’re allowed to use it.” In fact, he fears there is so much that the Deep State does secretly and out of the view of its citizens that civil liberties are nothing more than mere illusions. But then again, he’s mindful that if Americans truly love their liberties and remain alert, they will not only once again demand those liberties they once had, but might even put an end to the Deep State.

What’s more, he believes Americans will know if Donald Trump’s First Day, instead of First Hundred Days, and even perhaps Inauguration Day, actually be his own or that of the Deep State. “Indeed,” declared Mr. Paul, “Throughout American history, virtually every major advance in executive power has come during a false flag terrorist event, war, or warlike crisis.”

Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John‘s Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas’ writings at and