Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

United States
House Intelligence Committee Red-Scare Hearings: Heard this Song Before?
By Mary Lynn Cramer, Axis of Logic
Submitted by Author, artwork by Mary Lynn Cramer
Wednesday, Mar 22, 2017

“Hail, Hail, The Gangs All Here” by Mary Lynn Cramer 3/2017

Trump may survive (I am not ready to say I was wrong about that yet), but Russia clearly will not survive these House interrogations focusing on making it clear to the American public that Russia is the number one enemy of America and the rest of the "free" world, while any individual who has economic, political or social ties with Russian citizens or representatives of the Russian government is also suspect of spying or wanting to harm the USA: These hearings do remind me of hearings under McCarthyism.  Ignoring the fact that the US has Russia surrounded with military bases and war ships, as well as artillery on Russia's  borders that can hit the center of St Petersburg; and that the leaders of Western Nations not so long ago complained that they were hacked by US Intelligence---all that seems to have been forgotten, along with the many US interventions to overthrow elected governments the world over.  This is the Brave New World broadcasting its toxic communiqués to all it believes are its minions.  

These congressional interrogators must be what Congressman Kucinich referred to when he warned that the "Left's attacks on Russia" would legitimize the impeachment of Trump.  It isn't that the liberal Kucinich approves of President Trump and his plans to build on the Obama legacy of military expansion, and the eventual privatization of all educational, medical, and governmental services. His concern is that the "deep state" succeeding in impeaching Trump would lead to a breakdown in the faith Americans have in the election process.  It would call into question the very legitimacy of our Capitalist democracy. I heard the same fears expressed by Congressmen questioning the FBI Director during House Intelligence Committee hearings today regarding the consequences of Russian intervention in the Trump-Clinton presidential race.

Now does The Donald get how dangerous it was for him to suggest that negotiations with Russia rather than military confrontation would be his preference? And talks with Korea too?!  My goddess, he is a madman?  "Deep State" gonna get ya Mr. Big Mouth!

China is much more of an economic and military competitor with the US than is Russia.  The scapegoating of Russia is a carnival show to distract the pubic from what is really going on with US domestic and global economic crises:  Bread and Circuses for the suffering masses while social programs, the poor and elderly, are cut off at the knees; and the fruits of our labor are transferred by the billions of dollars to the military industries, large corporations and the already stinking rich.

Maybe we're ragged and funny? We ain't got a barrel of money, but we can watch this bullshit on TV all over the greatest democracy money can buy!

Congressman:  Director Comey, I have two brass balls from Gettysburg, guaranteed not to rust, bust, explode, corrode, chip, peel, or breakdown at the seams.  Would you be interested?


FBI Director: Congressman, you should come and see the Reptile Girl: She walks, she talks, she crawls on her belly like a snake!

These representatives of our democracy are slicker than the carny folk of my youth.  Their slick manipulation of smoke and mirrors should be as familiar as their same old song and dance routine.  If we keep watching their Red-scare show we might not notice that 6 billion dollars is to be cut from HUD housing for the extremely low-income; and “Meals on Wheels” for the low-income sick and disabled is to be eliminated.  Money for the bomb-makers and US boots on the ground all over the globe is the priority, while national roads and bridges crumble and water resources are depleted or contaminated.  Shall we keep dancing and singing to their worn out old lyrics?!


Hail, hail, the gang's all here

What the heck do we care

What the heck do we care

Mary Lynn Cramer, MA, MSW, LICSW has degrees in the history of economic thought and clinical social work, as well as over two decades of experience as a bilingual clinical social worker. For the past ten years, she has been deeply involved in “economic field research” among elderly women and men dependent upon social security, Medicare, and food stamps, living in Section 8 HUD housing projects. She can be reached at:


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