Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

United States
If You Want a Vision of the Future, Imagine More Hollywood Weinsteins Assaulting You and Your Mind-Forever
By Dallas Darling
Submitted by Author
Wednesday, Oct 18, 2017

Elated to hear from a longtime friend, and while discussing the wake of sexual assault allegations against Hollywood mogul-Harvey Weinstein, I didn’t know how to take Brian’s quote from George Orwell’s “1984” novel. Nor did I realize just how much he knew about the Deep State’s revolving door with the Hollywood Movie Industry. Still, he assured me that it keeps the privileged elite in power, and “If you want a vision of the future, imagine more Hollywood Weinsteins assaulting you and your mind-forever.” [1]

But then Brian was a Political Science Major, once employed by the CIA. Claiming that he went to Washington to serve and protect the United States, but only found a decrepit culture with a quest for power, wealth, and absolute control over the American people, he left for Hollywood to start a second career. For now, he hasn’t quite become the famous movie producer he dreamed of. But he has worked in writing and helping to produce a number of films, including rubbing shoulders with the so-called Hollywood elites.

“Big Hollywood” Is Watching You-And Vice Versa

Brian assured me Hollywood was like the Deep State, another state-within-a state, and Weinstein another scapegoat-albeit a predatorily criminal one. In other words, Hollywood not only rapes and objectifies women too, but it promotes violence and perpetual war by assaulting the public’s mind with newspeak, thought crimes, and pornographic images. With its an omnipresent surveillance system, a virtual celebrity cult that conceals how stars are interested solely in their own power and wealth, it also serves as a detraction.

As for Weinstein, he also amassed his wealth and power and privilege by manipulating viewers into craving more race, celebrity, wealth, sex, violence, and drama. He also thrived on pornographic war images. To be sure, the government awarded him when he ensured that the CIA, Pentagon, FBI, and NSA could manipulate and censor scripts like “Rambo,” “Apollo 18,” “Youth In Revolt,” “The Company Men,” and “No Escape“-just a few of the more than 2,000 movies censored by the Deep State in Washington.

[See Note below on how Hollywood and the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, and NSA rewrite history and shape public opinion through political censorship, euphemistic language and ideas, awe inspiring weaponry, manufactured characters, and pro-war sentiments with regards to the Global War On Terror continuance of the Cold War.]

It’s A Beautiful Thing…To Destroy Dignity And Remake Culture
Along with groping and raping women, or telling a graduating class “Don’t let anybody ever tell you no,” Weinstein is also known for making movies and sitcoms that supported the Neo-liberal elite in Washington. To be sure, he donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and Obama Administration, personally intervening in Democratic National Conventions. Like other Hollywood opinion shapers, he hoped to create a two-tiered society where the blind ambition and greed of criminal thugs-like him-were celebrated.

But when it comes to powerful megaphones of American culture, Weinstein is only the tip of the iceberg. As instruments for disseminating information to people, especially to young people, the Deep State and Hollywood knows that whoever controls the flow of information and ideas controls public opinion that ultimately decides all domestic and foreign policies-including all questions. There’s more powerful players, and anyone who seeks to challenge or discredit them is “ideally” driven out of public life and ruined.

Best Movies And Twitter Feeds Always Tell You What You Should Already Know
Brian added that since Hollywood is just one of the Deep State’s deadliest weapons, it’s no wonder late-night hosts and comedians don’t ever question, let alone criticize, the CIA, FBI or NSA. Neither will they touch Wall Street’s funding of the Pentagon’s many illegal wars bordering on genocide. To be sure, the continued bashing towards President Donald Trump is another ruse. Another Hollywood storyline, sitcom and running feature film to build emotional support for other divisive false-flags and questionable causes.

Brian was glad however that Weinstein was finally caught. But knowing there’s many like him in Hollywood who enjoy raping women, or raping the public’s mind, or making the lives underlings miserable because they can, brings little consolation. “Just look at how fast Rose McGowans twitter feed was dismantled” he said, “or how military and surveillance predators are always protected and censored from the public‘s mind.” Accordingly, there are those in the Deep State who will never be held accountable.

What Is And Isn’t The Deep State
Meanwhile, it’s not known if the Democratic National Committee will return all of Weinstein’s contributions. Nor is it known if longtime friends Hillary Clinton, or former President Barack Obama, will distance themselves from the Hollywood mogul. As for Michelle Obama, who worked closely with him in arranging a surprise but controversial appearance at the 2013 Oscars, she was shocked. Either way, there will be more political public relations coup, and more movies and shows rewriting history and glorifying wars.

Brian reminded me the Deep State and Hollywood were not a group of individuals behind a curtain pulling the strings. Instead, it’s an elitist culture, a certain lifestyle lived by the wealthy and powerful who see people as disposable. It’s moreover filled with all kinds of political persuasions that sometimes fight each other. But they do all agree that: The most effective way to destroy and then control people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of history and culture, including their sense of dignity, freedom and justice.

Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John‘s Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas’ writings at and

[1] Note: Brian changed George Orwell’s actual quote "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." - George Orwellquotes from

[Note: Brian also told of U.S. military and intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act detailing how the Pentagon requested the production of more than 200 movies and at least 400 television shows and sitcoms ranging from “Charlie Wilson’s War” to “Meet the Parents,” “Army Wives,” and “America’s Got Talent.” He also suggested reading Tom Secker’s expose titled “Documents expose how Hollywood promotes war on behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA". (See

In the meantime, the CIA, NSA and Pentagon continue to advise and censor Hollywood, rewriting history, through such movies as “Transformers,” “The Hulk,” “Tomorrow Never Dies,” “Top Gun,” The military’s political censorship, euphemisms and lingo, awe inspiring weaponry, manufactured characters, and pro-war sentiments with regards to the Global War On Terror continuance of the Cold War  is especially obvious in “American Sniper,” “The Recruit,” “Zero Dark Thirty, and many children’s superhero comic shows.