Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

What You Say When you are What You Hide
By thnkfryrslf | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Monday, Apr 2, 2018

The Liberal campaign spin for the 2019 election is ramping up and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the perfect mouthpiece to deliver it.

I'll repeat some of the remarks he made at a fundraiser in Montreal attended by Montreal's elite. He boasted about his government's transparency, saying that his party was more transparent than the other parties. As an example of this, he pointed out about the media being present.

He said," Our friends in the media are here tonight. We are the only political party opening up our fundraiser to the media."

What he doesn't say is that Liberal party employees insisted that the media stay in a small room, adjacent to the ballroom where Trudeau was to speak. When they were allowed in, they were banned from talking to anyone at the event and were immediately ushered out after Trudeau finished his 15 minute speech.

Before beginning his speech, Trudeau thanked Stephen Bronfman. He said, "Thank you for volunteering your time for this movement and for being such a strong voice for progressive change in this country."

CBC Radio and the Toronto Star revealed that Bronfman's family investment company were linked to an offshore trust in the Cayman Islands and that it may have used questionable means to avoid paying billions in taxes. So much for supporting "progressive change."

Trudeau started off his speech, by telling the financially elite crowd, "I know it can be frustrating, the first thing we did when we got elected is raise taxes on the wealthiest 1% and lowered them for the middle class."

When Trudeau finished his short speech, Bronfman took to the stage and thanked Trudeau for his "courage" and said, "We have all bought into believing this is the way." He continued with, "We're in tough times, there is so much of a very far-right agenda across the world. Dictatorships, gun violence issues, racism. And then the world looks to Canada. You guys have taken our brand and built it to this beacon out there in the world."

This was all conveyed in an article written by one of the reporters who listened to the speech. The heading was, "Trudeau boasts of tough stance on wealthy at liberal fundraiser in Montreal". To be fair to the reporter, much of what he wrote did not show agreement with what was being said.

For the Liberals' April 19, 2019 Halifax convention, they have hired David Axelrod, who was Obama's main strategist in 2008 and 2012. In 2012 he advised that Obama's main message should continue to be bringing about change and helping the middle class. Obama's last 4 years were about the supporting of the corporate/political/military and deep state elites, the 1%, while lying and plundering the 99% and hiding his neoliberal and imperial policies domestically and globally.

According to Anna Gainey, the Liberal party president, "the objectives that we had in 2014 and 2015 are still there. We're still focused on real change and on the plan that we put forward on improving the lives of Canadians."

What was said about the convention and what was said at the fundraiser were words for the mainstream Canadian public's ears. That's who they are manipulating. Their claim of being progressive, caring, and concerned only with implementing policies that "improve the lives of Canadians' is a complete con! They are confident that no one will challenge their spin and lies and they may be right.

All of the Liberals' communications to Canadians, including through the media, are calculated and choreographed. The scale of the lying and deception is mind blowing! They never talk policy. They use phrases and words that are more like sociological marketing terms, 'our brand', 'progressive', 'improving the lives of Canadians', 'real change', 'helping the middle class'. The really serious and important issues like implementing their neoliberal and imperial policies happen in secrecy.

Trudeau and his cronies need 4 more years to fully realize their neoliberal and U.S. dictated foreign policy agenda, domestically and globally. Be prepared for the ongoing rhetoric and lies that Trudeau and partners will constantly spin, to the point it will seem that they are in your face.

Calling themselves progressives when in fact their policies are very right wing, is profoundly dishonest. They are like a self-righteous professed vegan who, when alone behind closed doors, eats meat.

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