Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
So where's all the chaos?
By Arturo Rosales | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Monday, Apr 23, 2018

So where is all the chaos that permeates the capitalist media?

In the mainstream media, it is difficult to remember anything being published that is positive about Venezuela. In fact everything reported has been negative for years and anything that could be construed as positive is studiously ignored or omitted by the mainstream media outlets – print media, TV, radio, and even YouTube.

In a small effort to correct this perception, we offer the following video of a view of the country’s capital, Caracas.

Today we demonstrate, in this one hour video shot in the streets and metro of Caracas, that there is no kind of war for food, nor thousands of dead on the streets as the media wants us to believe.

The images were recorded between January and April in various districts of Caracas.

There is no denying that Venezuela is going through an economic crisis induced from abroad together with economic sanctions and a trade blockade imposed primarily by the Trump administration. Funds to buy food and medicines for the population have been frozen – for example Euroclear that froze over US$1 billion earmarked for food purchases.

Venezuela was forced to buy drugs and medicines from India because Europe and the U.S. denied their purchase. They are doing the same thing with spare auto parts as well as food staples.

Nevertheless, the government knew how to react and created the CLAP system of food distribution which supplies boxes of food at solidarity prices directly to around 6 million families whose income cannot cover the prices being asked in the private supermarkets and grocery stores.

Let us not forget that in Venezuela electricity, gasoline, water, Internet and public transport are very cheap and affordable. Food is subsidized and since 2011 the government built and distributed more than 2 million family dwellings which have benefited more than 7 million people.

Take time to watch the video and draw your own conclusions.


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