Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Choice Reader Comment
thnkfryrslf shows that she does think for herself
By thnkfryrslf | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Reader and contributor thnkfryslf responded to Chris Hedges' article 'The Coming Collapse' with this insight.


Faith over reason is what dominates American intellectualism. The anti-intellectualism that has been focused on the American people is coming to an end, because it has succeeded. The American public no longer thinks conceptually and thus holds no ideas. You can't challenge a political/economic/philosophical system, without understanding the ideas that gave rise to these systems.

Trump is the face of years and years of his own dumbing down and the abandonment of knowledge-based thinking. The American people who made Trump their president are also the result of years and years of dumbing down and having abandoned knowledge-based thinking.

The majority of American's would prefer to not know. Any conclusions that they make, they prefer to arrive at without thinking. As they watch their government lie, steal, cheat, kill and dismantle the very democracy that Americans think they live under, they do nothing, even though their government now practices its corruption with brazen openness for all to see.

Anyone who chooses to not think is subject to the dogma and/or faith based cognition that is fundamental to the creation and sustaining of most religions. It is not an accident that fundamental Christianity is on the rise and, in fact, has very powerful political influence, particularly in the republican party.

The U.S. government is becoming, if it's not there already, a Theocratic Tyranny and the majority of Americans have become obedient serfs. One does not challenge corrupt ideas by being obedient.

Chris Hedges' analysis of "The Coming Collapse" is brilliantly articulated. I'm really impressed with his independent thinking and integrity and I agree with all of the reasons he gives that will be the cause of this inevitable collapse. It is because of him that I learned about Sheldon Wolin's "Inverted Totalitarianism." For anyone who is grasping to figure out what a totalitarian tyranny the U.S. government has become and is continuing to be, Wolin's book "Democracy Inc." is a great study of what kind of autocracy the U.S. Imperial Government has turned American democracy into.

I think the fundamental cause of the American people's passivity toward a government that is destroying them, by destroying their freedom and democracy, is primarily because of their abandonment of reason and conceptual thinking. No knowledge, translates into no critical thinking; and no critical thinking translates into no dissent.

'Ignorance is Bliss' no matter what context is a myth!

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