Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

United States
Trump’s New Face of Nationalism Stumbles-Makes America Last Instead of First
By Dallas Darling
Submitted by Author
Monday, Jun 11, 2018

Whether or not George Orwell was right when he wrote that nationalism was a hunger for absolute power tempered only by self-deception, it does appear that President Donald Trump’s new face of nationalism is more authoritarian and backward-looking as opposed to a liberal and progressive, forward looking one. It may also make America last instead of first, specifically as it stumbles and leaves the U.S. behind with regards to a number of peace proposals, economic treaties, and series of ongoing military interventions.

One Nation Above All
UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, for instance, practically begged the UN Security Council to sign President Trump’s Gaza Resolution, even asking “please” at one point to Peru’s Ambassador.(1) But her last-ditch effort to stop Kuwait’s Resolution, that condemned the use of force against protesters in Gaza, garnished only one vote. Politically speaking, the other 14 members evidently rejected America’s tribalistic view of the Middle East, one that always insists that its own people are surrounded by a world of enemies.

There was also the failed resolution by the Organization of American States, and the ongoing tensions between the U.S. and Iran over the P5+1 Treaty. Whereas the U.S. didn’t get the necessary 24 votes needed to expel Venezuela(2), Iran has already met with the remaining members of the treaty. They not only agreed to skirt U.S. sanctions, but China just hosted Iran and Russia for a two day summit.(3) Instead of a nation above all, some consequently still think that true nationalism is what’s best for all of humanity.

Selfish-Determinism Instead of Self-Determination

Neither was President Trump’s face of nationalism welcomed at the recent G-7 Summit. In addition to arriving late for a gender equality meeting, prompting Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to kick it off without waiting for “stragglers” to arrive, not to mention interrupting Gender Equality Advisory Council Isabelle Hudon’s speech(4); a war of words erupted. To be sure, the rest of the members didn’t think much about his threats of “retaliation,” or accusing the EU’s “brutal” approach to trade with the U.S.(5)

Nor did they appreciate his selfish-determination, at the expense of his nation’s self-determination. In other words, G-7 leaders took note of his romantic and inward-looking instinct that ran rough shod over reason and cooperation and the sense of collective responsibility. They moreover hoped the president and his supporters would not be so hell-bent on making America great again as making America good again. In other words, nationalism need not mean tradition over progress or authority over freedom.

Nationalism Need Not Mean Militarism
Nationalism need not mean militarism either. Indeed, Iran and Syria have perceived the president and his administration filled with blind arrogance-something that always leads to war. Despite repeated threats from the White House, Iran has consequently chosen a more peaceful path of diplomacy. As for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, he’s avoided an all-out military conflict by simply warning the U.S. to leave his nation. There forward-looking face of nationalism will not subject their nation to the same ruin-at least for now.

But this doesn’t mean the world has become more peaceful. The 12th Annual Global Peace Index just concluded that the U.S. remains militarily involved in six of the top ten unresolved and longstanding global conflicts. It also chided the U.S. for having no idea how many civilians it’s killed-like Raqqa-in its war against ISIS. Referring to thousands of civilian casualties as “an X number of people,” some even see President Trump’s campaign promise to “bomb the shit out of people” as the new “Ugly American.”(6)

Nationalism Based on Superiority Equal Fascism
They also see the face of a nationalist that does not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but has a remarkable capacity for ignoring them-let alone even hearing about them. If this be the case, the president’s brand of nationalism may be the dangerous kind that were inspired and exploited by the fascist dictators of the 20th century. The kind which rejected universalism and the idea of the brotherhood of nations for a fabricated national history which emphasized differences based on superiority.

Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John’s Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas’ writings at and

(1) “Nikki Haley Begs U.N. to Sign Trump Resolution, Gets One Vote-Her Own. Embarrassed, She Lashes Out,” by Leslie Salzillo. June 7, 2018.
(2) “US Resolution to ‘Expel’ Venezuela from OAS Defeated ... Again!” June 6, 2018.
(3) “China Hosts Russia, Iran for Summit as US Tensions Rise,” by Becky Davis. June 9, 2018.
(4) “Trump Disrupts G-7 Gender Equality Meeting by Arriving Late,” by Rob Gillies. June 9, 2918.
(5) “Trump Warns Against EU Trade Reprisals After Stormy G7 Summit, by Steve Hopkins. June 10, 2018.
(6) “The Pentagon Admitted It Will Never Know How Many Civilians It Has Killed Fighting ISIS,” by Alex Ward. June 6, 2018.