Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Critical Analysis
Act Out! - Episode 169
By Eleanor Goldfield | Occupy
Sunday, Jul 22, 2018

Monsanto has avoided jury trials for years. Despite continuously mounting evidence to show that glyphosate, a main ingredient in many of their products, causes cancer, they’ve avoided having to answer for their cover-ups and crimes. Last week, one man got them in court. And the day after, hundreds of others got the green light to do the same. This is big.

Also in the courts, hundreds of water protectors still face state and federal charges for their involvement in the protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock in 2016. Leyola Cowboy and Terry Janis join us from the Water Protector Legal Collective to talk about ongoing trials, the crackdown on dissent and the human rights of protecting your community and your water.