DJT acted like a gent with Putin, disagreeing with US intel, acting intel-i-gent― he’s typically not acting like a gent, is he an agent? Intelligent? Then backpedaling then rebackpedaling, playing all sides? Played by all sides? No politi-co. experience but has shady biz-wiz intel-i-gents. Talk of calming nuclear power, of getting along with Russia in a peaceful manner, so what’s not to like?! Military Industrial Complex aghast resorting (from Mar-a-Lago?) to trying out their new stand-up routine, ’Is this MIC on?! Is it great to be back at the grease my Palm Beach palace?!’ But journalist Sam Husseini didn’t think it was so funny being dragged from the Helsinki press conference by Finnish (in)security, for wanting to raise the point that “nonproliferation is not disarmament.”[1] A willingness from the Prez-dispenser and Putin on the Ritz to investigate unresolved issues, not just go by make-believe and corpserate thinkless-tank newspeak speaking out of the extremist side of its mealy media mouths, even some so-called lefty alternative sites bashing The Don, look, am no fan but if you have any intel-i-gents you have to at least look at what’s being said, not what’s reported in a childhood telephone-game where one kid-reporter whispers to the next until the intel is distorted and un-intel-i-gible designed to perpetuate fear and war, enemies and economies, you have to at least look at what’s being said and not just emotionally react to the orange veneer and purse-d lips then McCarthy Cold War 2.0.point.counterpoint. And for the record, World War II “total deaths from all causes: US 450,900 and Soviet Union 20,000,000 to 27,000,000”[2], so makes sense the Russians aren’t itching for a fight, nor North Korea et al: “Americans killed in the Korean War: 36,000, South Koreans killed in the Korean War: 415,000, estimated number of Chinese and North Koreans killed in the Korean War: 1,500,000.”[3] Putin said, re: so-called meddling, (translation): “And if so, if it[US] is a democratic state, then the final conclusion in this kind of dispute can only be delivered by a trial, by the court — not exacted by intelligence, by law enforcement.”[4] But the media-mouths disagree, headlining The Don’s behavior as a diplomatic diss, and instead they market trial by what he said, she said, who he? who she? Who they trying to kid? No politi-co. track record but he has at least some shady biz-wiz intel-i-gents. Get ready for the “Helsinki sequel”[5] – sponsored by fading USEmpireToday – better than Frazier vs. Ali, float like a drone-a-fly, sting like a Rockwell B-1 Lancer, not! Like garden herbs growing in their own time The People must be dill-i-gent, clear the minds with deter-gent, allow for what’s contin-gent, conver-gent, emer-gent, keep our eyes out for who is and who is not intel-i-gent and who is for the children, the elders, the poor, the homeless, the refugees, the raped, the flowers and fruits― not just the suits, not just the biz-wiz as unusual. NOTES: [1] “I Came as a Journalist to Ask Important Questions” [2] World War II casualties [3] The Korean War Statistics [4] “Never mind the LSM* or the USGIIC**, here's the text of what Putin and Trump actually said” [5] “White House says Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Washington in the fall”. Quote from mainpage headline. Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet at Axis of Logic. In addition to his work as a writer and small press publisher, he travels a holistic mystic pathway staying in touch with Turtle Island. See his new book of nonfiction with a poetic touch, “photo albums of the heart-mind”. © Copyright 2018 by This material is available for republication as long as reprints include verbatim copy of the article in its entirety, respecting its integrity. Reprints must cite the author and Axis of Logic as the original source including a "live link" to the article. Thank you! |