Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Critical Analysis
Comprehending the Incomparable
By Blue Cloud | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Sunday, Aug 26, 2018

We've recently had news stories that, on the face of them and with average reading comprehension, the words and numbers reported are easily understood. Yet, this news is incomprehensible. Unlike the 24/7 barrage of news trying mightily to convince us that every problem we have stems from Russia's 'meddling' with US elections, this is news with facts and figures. But that is where the concrete nature of the information comes to a dead stop.

APPLE: the corporation
We have recently learned that Apple has become the first ever Trillion Dollar company. Not only that, we read that Amazon, Alphabet (parent of Google), and Microsoft are hot on its heels, with valuations in the $800+ Billions. A Trillion Dollars is 1,000 Billion, if that helps, but does it? These artificial constructs called transnational or global corporations seem to have taken on an incomparable importance, so huge they could give one dollar to every person on planet Earth and still, in the case of Apple, have $992,400,000 left over to call its very own.

What does this mean to flesh and blood people struggling on an increasingly restive planet? 

Didn't someone try to convince us that corporations are people too?

Here's where Paul Craig Roberts offers some much appreciated useful insight:
“Recently the progressive Rob Kall and I discussed on his show the implications of a trillion dollar company, which Apple now is. A day or two afterward, Rob Kall wrote an article on his website OpEdNews in which he made a case that a trillion dollar company had too much power for our continuation as a free people. I agree with him. Only 16 countries out of the 195 countries in the world, a mere 0.08 percent, have a GDP equal to or larger than one trillion dollars. Think about that. Apple is larger than the GNP of almost every country in the world. In other words, Apple has the power of a major government. Apple could be a member of the G-20. Apple could institute its own currency and part of SDR drawing rights. Apple could participate as a backer of IMF and World Bank Loans. Apple could have its own military and secret service.” [1]
In terms of capitalism, class exploitation and the market, The World Socialist Web Site offers this clear message:
“The rise of the trillion-dollar corporation points to the most fundamental characteristic of contemporary capitalism: the degree to which the inflation of stock values has become an instrument for the upward redistribution of wealth, through share buybacks and capital gains at one pole of society and the forcible suppression of wages on the other.
“When workers throughout the world dare to question why they are forced to toil in poverty, they are universally told: there is no money. But this is nothing but an absurd and transparent lie.

“Apple's profits are extracted through a coordinated and systematic process of exploitation on a global scale.” [2]
And so my thoughtful readers, what are we mere mortals to make of this Trillion Dollar conundrum? How can a select few gain so much wealth at the expense of the many who actually labor? How can the rest of us ever fix this? An economy is just a set of rules, after all, which can be changed; but financialization is a whole 'nother untamed beast. Maybe if there was time ... which brings us to the other news ...

CARBON DI-OXIDE RISING to levels not seen in 800,000 YEARS [3]
In this article, the NOAA and meteorological information given is just enough to concern some people while it omits a great deal and lies outright, just enough to make people want to change the subject. Or maybe put up a few solar panels or wind turbines. After all, this NOAA 'expert' says “even if humanity stopped the greenhouse gases today, the atmosphere would still continue to warm for the next couple of decades to maybe a century.” Boy, we really dodged a bullet ... as if there is an end date if we all do the right things.

They're not telling you that global oxygen levels are falling faster than CO2 is rising.

Our main sources of global oxygen are the northern boreal forests, which are dying, the Amazon rain forest, which is burning, and phytoplankton of the oceans, which is being killed by the excessive UV radiation. Plant photosynthesis, which creates oxygen from CO2, ceases at temperatures higher than 104 F or 40 C. (More on this later.)

The ice cores show the CO2 history to 800,000 years ago, but modern humans, which we all are, have only been here for about 150,000 years. Today's humans, flora and fauna evolved very slowly in mostly stable conditions, and it's pure fantasy to think we can 'adapt' to the kind of rapid changes occurring now. Certainly atmospheric CO2 levels were much higher in the time of the dinosaurs, when Alaska was a temperate rain forest, over 65 millions of years ago - before the Age of Mammals. That was then. 

However one perceives 'climate change', the truth is that this time, the heating up of Earth's atmosphere began figuratively only a moment ago with burning coal in Queen Victoria's time. Right now, human activity is giving off thermal energy comparable to 4 to 5 Hiroshima nuclear bombs a second. This heat doesn't just drift out to space, hence the 'green house' comparison. Most significantly, NOAA and the IPCC climate change crew fail to mention how the heat and atmospheric changes have taken on a life of their own. As many as 50 augmenting (positive) feedback loops have been identified. They stoke the fire. These processes are uncontrollable, non-linear, and cannot be stopped.  They've taken on a life of their own. There is nothing we can do about them.

Believe it or not, the Sixth Great Extinction event is occurring now. 

The Anthropocene has been called a new Geological Age. Silly humans. It is much more likely the name of our extinction event. High levels of CO2 are just one factor, with Methane CH4 probably being much more significant in the near term, which has 100 times the heating potential of CO2 on a 10-year time frame, probably the only time frame that matters. Have you seen the massive methane blowout craters and bubbling methane lakes in Siberia? Native Arctic peoples are wading in the tundra as the permafrost thaws, while the Polar Icecaps are melting and nearly gone. Don't believe me; watch the movie called Chasing Ice. Why does it matter? The Polar ice is the thermostat of the Earth. 

Our poor overheated Oceans have sequestered all the CO2 they possibly can, becoming acidic and hypoxic or anoxic. Most sea life cannot survive this dire situation for long except perhaps algae, jellyfish and some bacteria capable of living near a boiling sub-sea vent. For all the talk, there is no carbon sequestration techno-fix.

Remember those dinosaurs in once temperate Alaska? With rising atmospheric CO2 comes increased temperatures, higher atmospheric humidity and more rain. With each 1 degree C rise in temperature, the atmosphere should hold 7 percent more moisture. The laws of physics have not changed; however, CO2 or 'climate change' is being blamed for more severe and protracted droughts globally. Of particular note, there should never be more snow and ice storms nor more hail storms on a over-heated Planet. Language matters and there is a reason 'global warming' morphed into 'climate change'.

So, faced with dire circumstances, what are thoughtful people to do? It seems clear that governments and certain massive corporations will not relinquish the power and energy in fossil fuels. They'll steal the resources from each other, foment wars and forge even more extreme paths of extraction, such as Russia's plan to power offshore oil and gas drilling rigs with floating nuclear plants. In a bizarre circular dance with death, Russia plans to capture natural gas from the thawing methane hydrates.

Forget tipping point; we've begun to experience something which could be described as an extreme climate shift. The beautiful, remarkable Earth we have known and loved will never be the same; however, there are huge problems with the 'climate change' narrative that are evidence of deliberate and deadly weather manipulation by the military arm of the world's most powerful governments. Those would be the US (with the EU and NATO alliance), China and Russia. Certainly Canada and Australia became captive, while many weaker nations at least comply. Who knows what they've been told? Other nations are the victims of weather warfare, even as these said powerful governments use weather warfare on their own citizens, particularly the US, EU, Canada and Australia. 

These programs and projects, which absolutely exist, are toxic, lethal and environmentally devastating. The term 'man-made' climate change sounds accurate, with the caveat of it being both inadvertent and deliberate. Without any doubt Mother Nature, torn apart by the mix of inputs, is primarily reactionary, as it can be said there is no longer any natural weather. On top of the extensive damage from historic pollution of the Industrial Age, many major covert unacknowledged physics experiments are forcing (a scientific term) Earth's natural weather systems over the precipice into climate chaos. What is worse, the damage and devastation being wrought by these experiments have the potential to destroy all life in the biosphere, have the potential to destroy the biosphere, and have the potential to ruin the atmospheric veils that developed naturally to nurture and protect life on this amazing Planet in its present form.

It needs to be understood that beyond weather manipulation there are other agendas, as these programs are intertwined with electromagnetic, frequency, microwave, and space based weaponry. They are an extension of Reagan's Space Defense Initiative (SDI) commonly referred to as 'Star Wars', which never went away.

The basis for this powerful technology comes from Nikola Tesla, who was a brilliant altruist. He wanted to share with everyone the free electricity that occurs naturally within the Earth. He did not want to think about his discoveries being used against humanity as a weapon. It seems sad but true that he was hounded and made ill and broken, while his work was stolen and hidden from the world, taken up by the very worst sort of thinkers.  

The immense power of Earth's natural systems is being used to make the Earth itself become the weapon. Enormous geophysical damage, both past and present, are described and explained by the late scientist insider and Grey Nun, Dr. Sr. Rosalie Bertell. Her last book called 'Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War' (The Women's Press, London, 2000) is the most important book you never heard of. She can be compared to Rachel Carson (see Silent Spring) whose knowledge, integrity, concern for Life On Earth and humble lack of self promotion is unsurpassed. We could use Bertell's sensible voice more than ever. Since her death in 2012, the acceleration of these weapons programs has become mind boggling. This is esoteric knowledge shrouded in secrecy and hidden under a suffocating blanket of 'national security' that requires extensive research to understand. It is the expression of the ultimate power and control by those seeking full spectrum dominance. This is not a conspiracy theory but a progression of psychopathic ambitions fueled by having split the atom. Psychopaths behind these plans have no empathy, no perspective, and no regard for the consequences of their actions, even actions adversely affecting themselves.

There are mountains of evidence in government documents and science journals going back decades, and hundreds of relevant patents describing the existence and continuing development of what is now being called 'geoengineering', which more accurately can only be described as 'hacking the planet'. The term 'geoengineering' also contains the caveat of being historically inadvertent, encompassing unavoidable changes by humans to Earth's structure, as opposed to actively and deliberately changing Earth's physical integrity for control by a powerful few. My introduction to deliberate geoengineering, also known as weather modification, was from the 1960s when a trustworthy close relative who worked for NASA told me the government intended to control the weather. In fact, there exists a major US document from 1966 outlining 'A Recommended National Program In Weather Modification' (find it here.)

As the treachery of geoengineering becomes better understood and known as the term needed to research in order to find credible information, a new name has been proposed: Climate Intervention, as if the climate aka Mother Nature is an out-of-control drug addict, desperately needing human help to moderate its self-destruction. The Carnegie Council has appointed itself in charge of geoengineering governance, while geoengineering conferences worldwide are all the rage, while all the major universities are staking their claim, and David Keith and Ken Caldeira, who are geoengineers, pretend to propose 'very limited' experiments. That's interesting for something that doesn't officially exist. Of course, you are not supposed to know, and no one will be asking your permission.

The US Air Force in 1996 described its ambitions in a document entitled “Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.” (The document - (find it here) has been considered psy-ops and propaganda because it is a pre-emptive disclosure of something already occurring.)

Anyway, what sort of ego imagines owning the weather? How maniacal did former President Lyndon Johnson sound when he proclaimed, “He who controls the weather, controls the world?” Also, consider the hubris of 'managing the Sun' with a project called Solar Radiation Management (SRM). Think of the ridicule imposed upon those who know that artificial clouds are being generated by enormously toxic, particulate-laden sprayed atmospheric aerosols, while people are absurdly told what they see is harmless contrail water vapor condensation. What do the names Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) and Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG) sound like to you?
With deceptive and circuitous logic, these projects, which have done tremendous damage over the last 70 years, are being described as 'proposals' for correcting the damage they have already caused. As the geoengineering efforts become more obvious and damages done more glaring, there is desperation to hide these programs for as long as possible, which is why YOU must be made to believe in climate change and demand something be done about it. This is the Hegelian Dialetic of Problem, reaction, solution. You're being asked to accept and swallow whole a particular definition of climate change, which includes more extreme droughts (when there should be more atmospheric moisture) and more extreme ice, snow and hail storms (created artificially by chemical and biological ice nucleation) in a world that is literally burning up. That's how you know something is wrong with the narrative.

The oxygen producing boreal forests are not dying from lack of water. Beetles move in because the trees are weakened. Trees have shut down their nutrient and water intake because the nano-sized particulates of processed aluminum, which has rained down and is now present in ground water, is poisoning them, and very high UV radiation is frying the tree tops. Northern evergreen trees can be seen producing huge quantities of seed cones, in an desperate effort to preserve their DNA. Billions of trees are flashing out dead in many places around the globe. In areas where the soil pH has also become highly altered due to the toxic rainwater, it has become difficult to impossible to regrow new trees, the conditions being so bad. How many trees need to die before people will notice? 

The oxygen producing phytoplankton in the oceans are being killed by dangerously high UV radiation, as whales are now seen suffering from sunburn. The metallic nano-particulates in the atmospheric aerosols is stripping the ozone layer. A severely deficient ozone layer in itself may cause our demise in the near term.

The tropical Amazon Rain Forest, considered the lungs of the Planet, is also burning. Deforestation certainly is a very major factor, but there is more to it. Thinking about the fires of late and their 'explosive'' nature, it must be understood that these geoengineering aerosols, aluminum in particular, are desiccants that coat every bit of foliage with an incendiary dust. Ignore the official narrative about how the forests have not been adequately cleared. Removing more trees and other 'management' will never be any sort of solution. Forests that have been heavily logged are much more vulnerable; however, right now, smoke from countless thousands of fires raging in the Russian Arctic (which is pristine) is reaching New England, and there are 545 fires burning in British Columbia. It seems important to let the extraordinarily brave firefighters in California and elsewhere know exactly what they're dealing with, and why it defies anything they've ever known about fire. The simple excuse of 'climate change' is criminally deceptive.

As it feels hotter, you will find outdoor temperatures being under-reported. Besides, the higher than reported UV levels will feel burning hot on your skin. There are places in northern California where tree bark has been burnt off on the sunny side. Investing in a thermometer is a good idea, because the under-reporting is part of the ruse. For obvious reasons, this is very dangerous for people, animals, and vegetation. Even so, we've heard of temperatures 45C or 113 F. Having personally seen weather reports (in the dead of night) of 119 F in both New Delhi (India) and Palm Springs (California), those reports were quickly disappeared by the next day. The very serious fact that plant photosynthesis stops at 104 F or 40 C, means our respiration is threatened, and not just ours. Oxygen breathing creatures above and below the water line are in deep trouble. As CO2 and methane rise and oxygen levels are falling even faster, it seriously begs the question, “How much methane can you breathe?”

Why haven't you heard about any of this before?

Among other reasons, the CIA, aligned with media, uses its weaponized term 'conspiracy theorist' to denigrate anyone asking honest questions about government operations. Former high-level, decorated CIA operative - now whistle blower - Kevin Shipp [4] includes NOAA and the National Weather Service in his explanation of the Deep State. All the employees have signed non-disclosure agreements, gag orders, to never talk about weather manipulation by the government. They have no whistle blower protections because they've signed the agreements. They may think they're preserving their paychecks and pensions, but they are among a legion of minions without whom this treachery would be impossible. Shame on them. These programs are only slightly less lethal than full blown nuclear annihilation; however, for the moment, at least no one is actually dropping nuclear bombs. 

If they cannot be exposed and halted, paychecks and pensions, trillion-dollar corporations and even economic collapse, will be irrelevant.

And we might be able to preserve some life on Planet Earth.
A special note about aluminum:
The poor bees. It's bad enough deadly pesticides and herbicides are killing them, but bees tested far away any farming areas are also experiencing colony collapse. Testing has found profound levels of aluminum in the remote populations, and it appears to be giving them symptoms of Alzheimer's. The nano-aluminum we all are forced to breathe is giving us Alzheimer's, along with all the other neuro-degenerative conditions we see proliferating today.


[1] Paul Craig Roberts, 'Apple, Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter Subvert the US Constitution, Free Speech and American Liberty' August 7, 2018,

[2[ World Socialist Web Site, 'Class Exploitation and the Market: The Secret of the $1 Trillion Corporation, August 4, 2018,

[3] 'Earth's Carbon Concentrations Have Soared to Levels Not Seen in 800,000 Years' Jessica Corbett, August 3, 2018,

[4] Kevin Shipp 'CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers' and 9/11, October 10, 2016.

Documents, Patents and explanations from Dane Wigington, lead researcher, see here.

PDF 1996 Document 'Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025'.

Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1962.

Suggested Reading:
Book reviews for 'Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War” see here and here.

PDF 'Weather Weapons: The Dark World of Environmental Warfare', by T.J. Coles, 2011.

'Beneath the Debate on Climate Change: Weather Warfare and the Manipulation of Climate for Military Use' by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Sept. 27, 2004.

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