Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Trudeau's Mea Culpa
By Pamela Mac Neil | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Sunday, Sep 9, 2018

Canada's prime minister Justin Trudeau has announced that he will apologize to the Jewish people on November 7, 2018. He first revealed that he would be apologizing in May 2018 at a Jewish fund raising dinner.

At that dinner, Trudeau announced that Canada would formally apologize to the Jewish people for turning away a boat full of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany in 1939, resulting in them having to return to Nazi Germany where scores of them died in the holocaust. Trudeau said he was looking forward to offering the apology himself on the floor of the House of Commons.

He continued to say "we cannot turn away from this uncomfortable truth and Canada's part in it. We must learn from this story and let its lesson guide our actions going forward." 

Trudeau finally said that it pained him that Jews "more than any other group are the victims of hate groups." 

This speech was made in May - now known as "Jewish Heritage Month." A bill to make the declaration of Jewish Heritage Month resulting from the substance of a bill first proposed as a motion in 2015 by Canadian Jewish lawmaker Irwin Cotler. His bill failed to pass in the House of Commons, but in 2016 it was presented again, passed this time, and has become law. It is known as Bill S-232.

Canada turning away Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi
Germany in 1939 is a horrific thing for the Canadian government to have done and they should have been roundly condemned for it. While I think giving the apology can be considered the right thing to do, I question its timing and Trudeau's motives in giving it. Let's put this in context.

While Trudeau is giving his "I'm going to make an apology to you" speech at a Jewish fundraiser, what is Israel doing? They are killing and wounding unarmed Palestinians who are peacefully protesting.

So while they have completely dehumanized Palestinians by ruthless, brutal and barbaric violence, military and otherwise, the Canadian PM is going to apologize to the Jews, including Israeli Jews, for an anti-Semitic act the Canadian Government committed against Jews in 1939. The prime minister of the day, McKenzie King, was a rabid anti-Semite and probably contributed to the turning away of the ship of Jewish German refugees. Canada must wear the blame for that.

I see doing the apology as driven by the Israeli government manipulating Trudeau into doing it (which would have been very easy to do).

Let's understand something: Palestinians are being shot by Israeli snipers. In other words the sniper looks through his/her rifle scope and shoots whatever Palestinian, he/she targets. These are conscious, deliberate shootings meant to kill or wound.

Let us not forget that Trudeau voted for the anti-BDS motion put forth by the conservative party. What does that reveal about what he really thinks of the Palestinians and of the Canadian people's right to free speech? It tells me that he is quite prepared to sacrifice Palestinian and Canadian rights to appease Israel.

Trudeau desperately wants to be seen by Canadians as progressive, but his political decisions and neoliberal policies say otherwise. Trudeau has completely surrendered Canada's sovereignty to the Western corporate/political and military elite along with showing total subservience to Israel, no questions asked.

When Trudeau apologizes to the Jewish people about the Canadian government's 1939 act of turning away of a boatload of German Jews, as with all of his PR moves, it will be meant for Canadian consumption. More importantly, it is the Canadian people that he must convince of his progressiveness because, after all, it is the Canadian people who will decide whether Trudeau gets re-elected or not. Therefore the Canadian people are to be manipulated and lied to by this man who is PM in name only.

There is very little that Trudeau says or does that hasn't first been calculated by his domestic and global elite advisors - Canada's real government!

Canada's Prime Minister

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