Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Critical Analysis
The Value of Human Life in the Age of Dehumanizing
By Pamela Mac Neil | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Monday, Sep 10, 2018

How human beings treat other human beings - specifically how those with power treat those without power - is the core criterion to determine everything you need to know about the value that human life has in a culture. If human life is considered the highest value in a society, you will see a civilized, caring culture for the most part driven by integrity. To have integrity would be considered the norm, not the exception.

Have we morally and intellectually advanced successfully into 2018? Have we - in the 21st century - finally created a world of peace, equality, with no poverty, no starvation and no exploitation or plunder of the world's most vulnerable people? Unlike during the 20th century, have we stopped having wars where millions die, where starvation and poverty are rampant, where human beings, particularly of colour, are expendable?

We have the capacity and incredible ability to bring a dynamic, life fulfilling, morally and intellectually successful new world into the 21st century. Have we done it? Is Western culture striving to improve and better the human condition?


Led by the U.S., and supported by pretty well all other Western and some non-Western nations, our culture is a lying, violent, body and soul destroying, anti-intellectual and morally bankrupt wasteland!

On a daily basis the U.S. and its Western allies are responsible - either directly or through proxies - for the slaughter of men, women and children and the plundering and decimation of their countries in the Middle East, Africa and in South America. Their latest victim is Yemen where, because of Saudi Arabia and its Western backers, 50,000 children have died from cholera and starvation. Millions more children are at risk of dying from easily curable diseases like cholera and outright starvation as the Saudis block humanitarian aid, such as food and medicine, from entering Yemen. They are literally stopping food and medicine from being given to the children knowing that without it they are dying and will continue to die.

None of these deaths include the deaths caused by military violence. Thousands and thousands of Yemeni civilians - men, woman and children - have bombs dropped on them from air strikes, or have bullets shooting and killing them on the ground. With famine on the horizon, Yemen has the greatest humanitarian crisis in decades because millions will now be dying.

This violence, military or otherwise, is happening daily in a number of countries - like Syria, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan to name a few.

So what value do we place on the human lives in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan and all of the other countries that the U.S. and its Western and non-Western allies are destroying and plundering? The answer is, we don't place ANY value on their lives because whether they live or die means nothing to us. Their lives mean nothing to our governments, to our media and pretty well to all of the Western public.

As long a Western culture is destroying human beings instead of valuing their lives, survival will remain the survival of the fittest and GAWD help those who are considered unfit!

And who are the unfit? Blacks from Africa and across the world, middle-eastern people - especially Muslims - and Palestinians whose lives are destroyed along with their land being plundered by the Israelis.

All great men and women who have spoken up through the years have spoken for all people to have equal value. Today, in this modern Western culture, there are individuals like Roger Waters who is taking a stand for the Palestinian people's right to life and liberty and bringing attention to Israel's wholesale genocide of these Palestinians.

Western culture has never been a civilization, it has always been a pre-civilization. Civilized cultures do not lie, cheat, plunder and randomly kill millions of people.

What a person values is a major key to their character. So is what they don't value.

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