Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

World View
I Came, I Saw, I Conquered Crops And Insects, Weather And Terrain, And Humanity
By Dallas Darling
Submitted by Author
Friday, Oct 19, 2018

Some are beginning to wonder if Francis Bacon’s dream of using science and technology for the betterment of humankind and acts of “salvation” are turning into a living hell. To be sure, they’re warning that governments around the world, including the U.S., are attracting the top biologists, chemists, scientists, physicists, engineers, and even astrophysicists to produce the most destructive weapons the world has ever known.

It’s hard to deny how militarism has always blended with the latest scientific and technological discoveries. It’s also hard to refute that those same destructive innovations were sometimes used by dominant groups to promote their own political agendas and control. This included secret programs that will modify the physical terrain and weather and use virus-carrying insects to either engineer crops or spread biological weapons.

War Divinely Endorses Plants And Insects
But what makes today’s blending so dangerous as compared to catapulting dead corpses over walls or disrupting water supplies is how the U.S. Government and Pentagon plans to genetically modify an enemies crops to produce no food. This includes either contaminating the soil with toxic chemicals, or pollinating the air with tiny airborne pathogens and particles that when inhaled destroys the lungs.(1)

DARPA, for instance, is using insects to spread a virus to plants, making them resistant to disease or drought. But some warn this has less to do with enhancing U.S. agriculture and more to do with developing biological agents for hostile purposes and means of delivery. This is especially true since it’s a clear violation of the International Biological Weapons Convention, and since it’s easier to develop a deadly weapon than un-develop one.

Conquering The Weather But Not Kill Switches
Meanwhile, weather modification has jumped from a “chemtrail” conspiracy to mainstream reality. Considered a fringe plot, Congress has convened hearings over geo-engineering which is being attended by two subcommittees. During the Geo-engineering: Innovation, Research and Technology Hearing, they’ve also learned the many dangers, and that the program has three “kill switches” to shut down the deadly technology.(2)

Some scientists claim, however, it’s not that easy to shut down a weather modification program. Indeed, they find it strange how there’s a pattern of ongoing droughts in countries that resist U.S. domination. They also warn stratospheric injections-spreading atmospheric chemicals-can produce unintended consequences. Just look at the damage and loss of life from superstorms Harvey, Irma, Florence and Typhoon Mangkut.

Conquering The Terrain, Indiscriminately
Another insidious device and strategy is using missile technology to produce earthquakes or landslides. Causing landslides by carpet bombing Vietnam was only the first phase. With the second phase of bunker-busting bombs, and the third consisting of the Mother of All Bombs, or GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast, there’s been quite a bit of success to ground penetration and disruption. Both of which have caused geo disasters.

As deadly and indiscriminate geo disaster type weapons are, there seems to be more reckless intersections between militarism and science and technology. From multi-spectral detection, ranging, tracking, imaging, high ground, nuclear fusion, and access to space, science and technology-including engineering which makes all things possible-is enabling and facilitating even deadlier and more life threatening forms of warfare.

Conquering The Mind And Humanity
Psycho-electronic weapons, which use electromagnetism to do a wide variety of awful things to people, like rewriting or injuring the mind, has now been confirmed by the State Department. But the U.S. diplomats who suffered physical-psychological symptoms at the hands of sophisticated sonic devices aren‘t the only ones. Sophisticated mind control mechanisms are evidently being secretly placed in many of our phones and computers.

According to Wired, DARPA’s also looking into blending humans with computers, even developing man-eating machines. Known as EATR, the robots are apparently designed to collect organic matter which would include human bodies, plants, and other animals as a way to recharge themselves. Designed to be fully autonomous, it’s just one more example of the handlers of AI know no bounds. Neither does their dubious ideology behind it.

Transhumanism And The End Of “Human” History
The theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations by blending militarism and science and technology may be tempting, but it’s a deadly myth. To be sure, it’s always been hijacked by the power and profit motives of those in command. But in an era where our destiny is shared, power and profit is no longer a zero-sum game. In other words, it’s a zero-zero game.

Consequently, militarism and war should never be a divinely endorsed stimulant of creativity. Neither should they be the main drive on Earth to investigate other planetary worlds. Considering that most of us don’t know about the many other secret programs, these so-called “creations of security” may at some point turn on their creators. That is if they’re not in the process of already doing so.

Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John’s Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas’ writings at and

(1) “US Plan to Genetically Alter Crops Via Insects Feared to Be Biological War Plan,” by Erin Durkin. October 4, 2018.
(2) Subcommittee on Environment and Subcommittee on Energy Hearing-Geoengineering: Innovation, Research, and Technology. November 8, 2017.