Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

World News
Guess who's behind the Bank of England stealing Venezuela's gold?
By Axis of Logic with Scribd link
Axis of Logic
Tuesday, Nov 13, 2018

Yup, you guessed it: the Good 'Ol USA.

Click the link below to read the Executive Order that caused the BoE to refuse Venezuela's request for their gold to be returned.

Am I imagining this, or does it seem that the USA is behind almost every bit of trouble in the world? Even the weather is something they've been playing around with.

Maybe it's time the rest of the world simply refused to play with the USA any more. Make them go to their room and think about what they've done. And if they ever decide to act like a normal country, maybe we'd let them back in the playground.

- prh, ed.

White House Executive Order... by on Scribd