Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Critical Analysis
If Macron And Woodward Are Right About Nationalism And Trump It’s Time To Worry
By Dallas Darling
Submitted by Author
Thursday, Nov 15, 2018

Threatened by the prospects of a disunited European Union (EU), French President Emmanuel Macron recently warned against the dangers of nationalism at the Armistice Day centennial observance in Paris. But not only was it aimed directly at the rising tide of extreme nationalism in Europe, including its “ancient demons that caused World War I and the millions of death,” it was aimed at President Trump and the United States. He then went on to describe how patriotism was the exact opposite of nationalism, and that those who put only their interests first to make their nation the greatest will erase the most precious thing a nation can have and that which makes it live: morals.(1)

The Measles Of Mankind
It’s hard to deny that President Macron’s lecture about the dangers of nationalism usually threatens cooperation. In addition to nationalistic fever being the major cause of World War I and World War II, the quest to establish an exceptional nationalism always leads to absolute domination. Since the same states feel threatened by the strength of the others, the desire to dominate can’t be placated except by mobilizing for war to ensure hegemony of the strongest State over all the others.(2) Meanwhile, and as George Orwell warned: History shows that the nationalist not only approves of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.

What makes President Macron’s warning even more urgent is what Bob Woodward learned in interviewing President Trump and others in the White House. Noting he’s done this for 47 years, the veteran journalist said it was the president’s failure to comprehend why America does certain things abroad in order to keep world peace gave him “a chill.” This included seeing how Donald Trump likes “to get power over people, to crush them, to demean them.”(3) Consequently, this was the same kind of character trait that nationalistic leaders such as Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler displayed to make their country great again. It’s how the president won over many Americans-and still does.

United States Of Europe
In 1941 Altiero Spinelli had become one of the first to expose the dangers of nationalism. He broke with Benito Mussolini and called for “the definitive abolition of the division of Europe into national, sovereign States” and the establishment of a new “European Federation.” He realized that the multiple problems which poison international life on the continent have proved to be insoluble. They included boundaries inhabited by mixed populations, defense of alien minorities, access to seaports for landlocked countries, the Balkan Question, the Irish problem, and, of course, archaic grievances. He believed then that Europe would find a more easier and peaceful solution in the European Federation.”

Recognized as one of the forerunners of what is now known as the European Union, it’s hard to argue that it’s fulfilled Altiero Spinelli’s vision. There hasn’t been another World War in Europe. Neither have states attempted to invade other states over resources or land disputes. This supranational organization has moreover improved free trade, established a single currency, and ensured that its members were liberal and tolerant democracies. This included requiring each candidate country to achieve stability of institutions guaranteeing freedom, the rule of law, human rights, respect for and protections of minorities, and the existence of a functioning market economy.

Disunited States Of Europe And America
Above all, nationalism was kept in check. That is until now. As nationalism gains traction the EU is coming apart. Once thought extinct, populists advocate the reestablishment of a national currency and national control over borders. Leaders of Poland and Hungary have defied the promises of liberal democracy and are revising their Holocaust histories. And who ever thought the Nazis would again march through the streets of Germany and hold public rallies. Or a German party leader would say Germany has no place in a WWI ceremony since it lost, and then denounce his Chancellor and accuse her of rewriting history. Polish leaders were among nationalists on their Independence Day as well.

Donald Trump’s brand of white nationalism and populism tragically fed into Europe’s ancient demons. It fed into the U.S’s too. Not only is aggression on the march again in both places, but the president’s toxic rhetoric against the EU-calling it a “foe,” his threats to withdraw from NATO, his belligerent attitude towards China, and his promise to topple the regimes of Iran and Venezuela, are sure to fan the flames of an international conflict. The same goes for Europe. In fact, his cozy relationship with leaders of Hungary and Poland and Macedonia could mean another major military intervention if war ever broke out in Europe or the Balkans. Don’t underestimate the UK’s Brexit either.

Either Peace Or Nationalism
If President Macron is correct about nationalism and Bob Woodward is truthful about Donald  Trump’s inability to comprehend world peace, it’s time to worry. This is especially true since those who want to make their nation great again or believe in its exceptional often exclude standards of right and wrong. Given just how far the U.S. has fallen from having any moral legitimacy left, and a president who is distant, disinterested, and dangerous, President Macron was also right to have warned that when the old demons of nationalism resurface it would be a grave error to give into their fascination for withdrawal, isolationism, violence, and world domination.

Consequently, whenever Donald Trump strikes the mystical chords of nationalism, when he assures his followers that he’ll win any trade agreement or any war, Americans should remind themselves that a patriot is proud of his country for what it does. The nationalist no matter what it does. This goes for the idealistic rationalization for militarism and aggression that was mirrored in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and now Yemen.

Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John’s Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas’ writings at and

(1) “‘Nationalism Is a Betrayal of Patriotism,’ France’s Macron Says.” November 11, 2018.
(2) Judis, John B. The Nationalist Revival. New York, New York: Columbia Publishing Reports, 2018., p. 81.
(3) “Bob Woodward Reveals What Trump Trait Gave Him a ‘Chill,’” by Lee Moran. November 9, 2018.