Axis of Logic
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World News
War Summit in Poland: Israel demands mass murder of Iranians
By Kurt Nimmo
Blacklisted News
Saturday, Feb 16, 2019

Bibi Netanyahu misspoke. During a “pace conference” in Warsaw, Poland he said Israel wants war with Iran, then he turned around and said that’s not what he meant and “war” in Hebrew has a different meaning.

Israel has pushed the idea of a “war” against Iran for decades. Iran sits atop a list of countries Bibi and the Likudniks want to take out. It was “mission accomplished” in Iraq and Libya, but a failure in Syria. Iran is a tough nut to crack and not a pushover like Iraq (where twelve years of brutal sanctions worked to soften the country up prior to the Bush dynasty’s second round of “creative destruction”).

Here’s Bibi calling for mass murder in the lead-up to his destruction of Iraq. I say “his” because the “war” was orchestrated by a coterie of Likudnik operatives in the Bush administration.

If you believe there are multiple meanings of the word “war” in Hebrew and Bibi misspoke or his true meaning was lost in translation, you’re not paying attention. The Israeli state is eager to kill Iranians and flatten Tehran in similar fashion to Aleppo or Fallujah.

Bibi will need Sunni Arabs—in particular the vicious Wahhabi brand—Europe, and of course the United States, for his master plan to be a success. That’s what’s going on right now in Poland—a sort of pre-war powwow, getting all the ducks lined up in a row.

But if you listen to the wife of a former Federal Reserve chairman, Netanyahu and VP Pence are in Poland to honor Jews who died in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Andrea Mitchell managed to implicate the Polish government in that sad historical event. Did she forget the Nazis invaded Poland?

Mike Pompeo was a bit more circumspect in his language. He declared “pushing back”—economic warfare eventually followed up with bombing raids—will solve the region’s problems.

The former tank commander said Israel has the “right” to defend itself, but didn’t bother to enlighten on the particular threat the Jewish state—flush with billions of US dollars and military hardware—faces.

Certainly not nuclear bombs. It is well-known, despite the fantasies of Likudniks and converts like Pompeo, Iran doesn’t have a nuclear weapons program. Israel, on the other hand, has a long secret nuclear program and steadfastly refuses to declare its nukes. Iran understands there is no shortage of homicidal lunatics in Israel, most prominently Bibi who would like you to believe “war” means something entirely different in Hebrew.

The Warsaw confab is dedicated to a singular purpose—organizing the destruction of Iran with the blessing of Iran’s Arab neighbors. Bibi hopes to put together an Arab force for an invasion, thus making sure Arabs and Americans—the latter will undoubtedly be sucked into this quagmire—die to make Israel safe for apartheid and rabid settler serial murder of Palestinians.

Meanwhile, the Christian Zionist Mike Pence demands Europe withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.

If we can believe the Islamophobe Pamela Geller, Pence has warned the evil mullahs want to perpetuate a “new Holocaust” that will “erase Israel from the map.”

Obviously, Ms. Geller lacks imagination, preferring instead to fall back on a discredited fantasy that Iran wants to kill every last Jew in the Middle East, never mind that any attempt to do so would result in it becoming an irradiated parking lot.

There is a little propaganda sideshow coinciding with the war summit in Poland. Monica Witt, a former US counterintelligence officer, was charged this week with spying for the Iranian government. The indictment followed on the heels of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s promise to resist economic and psychological attacks by the United States.

Finally, the charade in Warsaw allowed the cult of personality around Maryam Rajavi and her terroristic MEK (People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran) to gain media attention. Rudy Giuliani was on hand to give a speech urging violence, murder, and social and political chaos in Iran.

Ambassador Daniel Benjamin, Director of the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding at Dartmouth College and former Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the State Department, hit the bull’s eye when he said, “[Giuliani] seems wholly addicted to the group’s honorarium checks, and he refuses to let it bother him that the MEK has American blood on its hands. He is the picture of a man without principle.”

I believe that’s too kind. Giuliani is a sociopath dedicated to Israel’s hegemonic drive in the Middle East and its willingness to kill thousands and possibly millions of Iranians, so long as the killing is done by Arabs and, of course, stupid Americans brainwashed into the belief that mass murder and the starvation of children are characteristics of the neoliberal form of democracy.

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