Axis of Logic
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World News
Thousands support petition to sell ‘useless’ state of Montana to Canada
By Staff Writers | RT
Monday, Feb 18, 2019


Around 6,000 people have signed a petition to sell the “useless” state of Montana to Canada for a whopping $1 trillion to “eliminate the national debt” – which is actually well over $22 trillion.

“We have too much debt and Montana is useless. Just tell them it has beavers or something,” reads the petition. [Editor's Note: Montana DOES have beavers! - prh, ed.] Additional reasons provided by supportive petitioners include the state’s “insignificant population” and their “aesthetic” which some claim isn’t in keeping with the rest of the US.

While the accusation of being “useless” may offend some Americans, it seems Montanans know when they’re not wanted, and are actively supporting the sale by expressing their joy at joining Canada with none of the moving expenses.

“Honestly most Montanas are totally OK with this let’s do it I’m fine with being out of this hellhole,” wrote one petitioner. “Montana will get legal weed, health care and decent hockey. It’s a win-win,” added another optimistic supporter.

“I’ve been a resident of Montana my entire life, and quite frankly I’m sick of the US’s complete and utter disregard for human life. I’ll take Canada’s health care, education, and freedom over the US’s money grubbing system. Also, Canada gets all of Glacier Park and some of Yellowstone,” lobbied another petitioner.

In what might be the most surprising love match of 2019 so far, it appears Canada is also happy to adopt the state.

“Montana and its people would be a beautiful addition to our beautiful country. Welcome!” wrote one enthusiastic Canadian. “Dear Montana, we love you but we can’t afford that. Ditch the USA and join us for free. You don’t need that much debt,” wrote another.

Several other states were suggested as possible sweeteners for the Canadian deal, including Wyoming and Idaho, because “nobody cares about them either.” Minnesota was also mentioned, along with California – which is allegedly pushing up the national debt with “all those wildfires… let the queen deal with it,” commenters said.

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