Axis of Logic
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United States
Is It Fair To Call Rep. Ilhan Omar’s View of U.S.-Israeli Policies Anti-Semitic?
By Dallas Darling
Submitted by Author
Saturday, Mar 9, 2019

Criticizing some of Israel’s policies or pro-Israel lobbyists in the U.S. isn’t necessarily the same thing as anti-Semitism. But you wouldn’t know this. Especially with the outcry and anger over freshman Representative Ilhan Omar’s recent statements. She was not only called anti-Semitic for questioning Israel’s policies towards its Arab neighbors, but she was condemned outright for exposing pro-Israel lobbying groups which seek to influence lawmakers. It entailed wondering if some politicians don’t actually show more allegiance to Israel than their own country, the U.S. Or if others support Israel only to capitalize on an ongoing and tense crisis for their own standing and financial wellbeing.

A Necessary Debate
One of her tweets that was immediately called anti-Semitic was the suggestion that a pro-Israel lobbying group had pushed lawmakers to show “allegiance to a foreign country.” Consequently, the Somali-American politician serving Minnesota’s 5th congressional district may know what she’s talking about. Ilhan Omar has seen too many of her own constituents suffer and die in overcrowded hospitals from preventable diseases due to the high cost of healthcare and medicines. Meanwhile, the U.S just gave $4.1 billion in direct grants and $4.8 billion in taxpayer-guaranteed loans to Israel-a country whose inhabitants have a much greater life expectancy at birth than the donor country-the U.S.(1)

Another tweet that drew an angry response was her allegation that anti-Semitism was designed to end the debate about Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. Again, she raised a valid point. Those who’ve follow the Palestinian crisis know that the charge of anti-Semitism usually overshadows the false promises and broken treaties. Countries like the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Iran, have moreover politicized Palestinians for their own aims. While the former used them as leverage during the Cold War or for imperial adventures, the latter two have used Palestinians to impress the Muslim and anti-imperialist worlds. All along, wars and Israeli settlements have reduced in size the West Bank and Gaza.

Omar Ilhan, who apologized last month for a different comment which criticized a powerful lobbyist family, responded saying: “I am told every day that I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel.” Adding she found this to be problematic and that she wasn’t alone, since others feel the same way, she said she just wants to simply speak up and debate the ongoing crisis between Palestinians and Israel and the U.S. A crisis that not only impacts millions of Americans, but automatically opens herself to attacks. Responding to one such attack by President Donald Trump, who tweeted that her comments were “vile” and an “anti-Semitic slur,” she fired back: “You have trafficked in hate your whole life.”

Another concern is how some Republicans and Democrats might be fanning the flames of war by depending on donations pouring in from pro-Israel lobbying groups. She wonders if they’re not selling foreign policy and weapons to the highest bidder, a kind of pay for play scheme. Just as disturbing is how Evangelicals try to fit the Palestinian crisis into their the end times view. Since they believe that armies must first surround Jerusalem before Jesus returns, where he’ll partake in a violent and bloody apocalyptic battle, they may be provoking an already tense situation. Taken together, homegrown groups in America which are far removed from the Middle East may be making things worse.

What Anti-Semitism Is, And Isn’t
Others could also be pushing their own political and self-serving agendas, including their financial well-being. This is another reason why the representative from Minnesota thinks Americans should be free to debate without being charged with prejudice or bigotry. “Our democracy is built on debate,” said Ilhan Omar, and “I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress.” This goes for her concern over how some of her Jewish colleagues interpret “everything we say about Israel” as “anti-Semitic because we are Muslim.” This is exactly the kind of political polarization which prevents a more peaceful approach in the Middle East.

Again, her claim should be taken seriously. Especially since the state of Israel has long been an important aspect of American politics. This includes providing Israel with unprecedented aid and support, almost single-handedly ensuring that Israel continues to prosper in the Middle East while some Americans go without. Whether or not America’s support for Israel is based on domestic political goals or for gaining Jewish American votes and, equally as important, donations from pro-Israel government lobbyists, America’s support of Israel in the Middle East gives it a viable partner in the region.

A viable partner to where current events among Israel and Arabs have caused controversy over America’s unprecedented support of the country. While Israel remains locked in a violent struggle with Hamas, it has become susceptible to criticisms of its military actions against Palestinians by other countries. Both Israel and Hamas resort to violence, claiming retribution from the other’s latest attack, with both sides claiming to be the victims. Support of Israel and lack of condemnation for its role in the fighting has therefore been viewed by other nations as biased. It’s also a major reason Islamic extremists like Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda or ISIS launched attacks against the U.S.

Ilhan Omar and others believe that real anti-Semitism shouldn’t be confused with criticizing the U.S. and Israeli relations or debating the Palestinian crisis. It’s instead spreading a hatred for Jews and calling for the destruction of Israel. The same goes for attacks against Jews and Jewish Synagogues. Still, anti-Semitism is what occurred with the rise of Nazism. Not only were Jews stripped of any rights and forbade miscegenation between Jews and non-Jews, but popular violence was sanctioned. It culminated in a Holocaust which systematically killed 6 million Jews. Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust was horrible enough without trying to sanctimoniously misappropriate it.

New Face of Evil and Scapegoats
Although anti-Semitism still exists in America in many subtle forms and overt ways, some say it shouldn’t have been applied to Rep. Ilhan Omar‘s criticisms. This goes for a Republican Party which has just made her the new “Face of Evil,” and a Democratic one that has practically scapegoated her.


Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John’s Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas’ writings at and

(1) Lofgren, Mike. The Deep State: The Fall Of The Constitution And The Rise Of A Shadow Government, New York, New York: Penguin Publishers, 2016., p. 205.