Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

United States
Whatever You Think About Trump’s Mental Health or the Mueller Report, Trump is Clearly Dangerous
By Dallas Darling
Submitted by Author
Sunday, Apr 21, 2019

Whatever you think about Donald Trump’s mental health, most psychologists agree that he’s a dangerous individual with an even more risky and narcissistic disposition. Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, just found this out. Upon completion of the Mueller Investigation that, in many respects, is still ongoing (1), he was arrested at the request of the United States. If not for his dumps detailing Hillary Clinton’s many scandals and the Democrat’s rigged primary to ensure her coronation, Donald Trump wouldn’t have become the 45th President. Nor would those who are now behind the scenes and in control be in power, a kind of Deeper State within the Deep State.

Truth Is Far from His Lips-And Mind

It’s no wonder that at the time of his arrest Julian Assange shouted: “Resist…they must resist! You can resist! The UK can resist! Is this what the Trump Administration has come to?” His reference to “Is this what the Trump Administration has come to” was a signal of betrayal, a quid pro quo gone wrong that favored only Donald Trump. It’s also a warning of how he will sacrifice anyone for the sake of his own privilege and power. In fact, after repeatedly proclaiming “I Love WikiLeaks!” during the 2016 election, he now claims: “I know nothing about Wikileaks.” Like hundreds of other, Julian Assange was merely another pawn to be used and then sacrificed.

But the truth has always been far from Donald Trump’s lips and mind, including the well-being of others. It’s why he’s so dangerous. Based on his alternate realities and the most dangerous individuals our society has produced, psychologists have concluded that as a public figure, by virtue of his actions he takes, represents a danger to the public’s health. It entails the public’s safety and well-being as well. Known as the Tarasooff Decision, which ruled psychiatrists have an obligation to speak out publicly when they have determined, or should have determined, that an individual is dangerous to another person or persons, many have started to do just that.

Although Donald Trump has never been arrested for committing a crime (As of yet that is!) sometimes a person’s dangerousness is so obvious that one does not need professional training in either psychiatry or criminology to recognize it. Indeed, when Donald Trump said during a town hall meeting that: “Somebody hits us within ISIS, you wouldn’t back with a nuke?”, and then was challenged for wanting to use nuclear weapons, he replied, “Then why are we making them.” This followed asking a foreign policy adviser three times, “If we have them, why can’t we use them?” Consequently, irrational cruelty knows no limits when it comes to a dangerous person.

Unheeded Warnings of a Dictator

Americans should have known this when Donald Trump repeatedly said that “torture works” and promised to bring it back. This, despite contrary evidence by field officers. Boasts about his ability to get away with sexually assaulting women because of his celebrity status and power, or urging followers at political rallies to punch protesters in the face and beat them up so badly that they have be taken out on stretchers, were more signs of a deranged individual who is now president. The same goes for suggesting that his followers could always assassinated his political arrival or throw her in prison, and that he could always get away with whatever violence he does commit.

With an endless stream of threats of violence, boasts of violence, and incitements to violence, Donald Trump is now succeeding in turning back major reforms and undoing laws. He and his enablers have appointed far-right judges to the Supreme Court and federal courts. His new tax law benefits corporations while attacking blue states which voted against him.  As programs for poverty are slashed, corporations that paid no taxes have now doubled to 60. He wants to also overturn former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Healthcare Act which allowed 27 million Americans to finally afford health care-including those with preexisting questions.

There’s also the threats to get rid of judges who grant asylum to refugees, telling the Customs and Border Protection Commissioner he would grant him a pardon if sent to jail for having border agents block asylum seekers from entering the U.S. in defiance of federal laws, and other dangerous plans such as flooding them en masse to sanctuary cities or wanting the military to get “tough” with them. This goes for signing two executive orders which gave him sole authority on roads and pipelines. As Donald Trump turns back reforms that help millions of Americans and undoes the law, he’s acting more like a dictator than a president. This is consequently what makes him so dangerous. Indeed, far more dangerous than any president in modern history.

“Dangerousness” As a Mental Condition
As psychiatrist James Gilligan noted: “The epidemic of violence that would be unleashed by the collapse or undermining of the rule of law, they system of checks and balances, the freedom of the press, the independence and authority of the judiciary, the respect for facts, the unacceptability of deliberate lying, the prohibition on conflicts between a political leader’s private interests and the public interest, and the even stronger prohibition on physically assaulting one’s political rivals or opponents and threatening to imprison or even assassinate them-in other words, dictatorship-have all been characteristics of Donald Trump.

It should moreover be recalled that at the end of his congressional testimony in February, Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and “fixer” of his crimes and violence, floated a nightmarish scenario. “Given my experience working for Mr. Trump,” he said, “I fear that if he loses 2020, that there will never be a peaceful transition of power.” Although his comments may seem an exaggeration, Donald Trump’s presidency has already turned out to be all but peaceful. What’s more, if there’s anything normal about a Trump Presidency it is that it’s “abnormal,” incapable of goodness and compassion and lacking a moral compass.

Putting aside Donald Trump’s mental state of health and the conclusion of Mueller’s investigation as it related to Julian Assange’s arrest, not to mention his Attorney General’s highly redacted, fragmentary post-summary of his initial summary of the 300-page report, it’s clear that he and those around him are dangerous to America. Even his Attorney General, to be sure, wrote that he was going to hide anything damaging about the president. (2) Though “dangerousness” is not yet a psychiatric diagnosis, maybe it should be. Especially since it’s what led many in Germany to remain silent, even in the face of unprecedented danger and ruin.

Dangerousness Mustn’t Be Feared
But it mustn’t be feared, especially when it puts an entire nation and its democracy at risk. If we are silent in the face of this dangerous personality, then we too are passively supporting and enabling him. This includes his condition of “dangerousness.”


Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John’s Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas’ writings at and

(1) “New Court Filing Reveals That Many Key Facts Mueller Uncovered Are Still Being Investigated” by Cody Fenwick., April 15, 2019.

(2) “Barr Admitted In Writing That He’s Going To Hide Any Damaging Information About Donald Trump,” by Dogenese Bartleby., April 19, 2019.