Axis of Logic
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United States
Is White Nationalism Behind Trump’s Policies Towards Mexican Immigration and Tariffs?
By Dallas Darling
Submitted by Author
Monday, Jun 10, 2019

It’s no accident that history is filled with examples of how once the United States had conquered a territory and populated it with whites that it was then, and only then, welcomed fully into the fold as a state. Not that the land didn’t matter, because it did. But the people who lived on the land mattered more, especially if they were white. It’s no wonder then that Donald Trump has singled out Mexico, imagining it to be filled with drug dealers, human traffickers, cartels, coyotes and illegal immigrants. The same goes for tariffs or building a “big beautiful wall.” Electing a bigot enables further bigotry. It reinforces deeply held racial barriers, and Mexico is no different.

White, Like Us
Since the Mexican War of 1846-48 had ended with U.S forces occupying Mexico City, some in Congress proposed taking all of Mexico. From a military perspective, that was entirely feasible. But South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun, one of the nation’s most prominent racists and fenders of slavery, objected. “We have never dreamt of incorporating into the Union any but the Caucasian race-the free white race,” he insisted on the Senate floor. He then asked: “Are we to associate with ourselves, as equals, companions, and fellow citizens, the Indians and mixed races of Mexico?” (1) There are still many Americans like Calhoun, President Trump being one.

The Real Illegals
Just as sad is how he constantly attacks Mexico by calling it an “abuser” of the United Sates, and warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration. But again, and from a purely historical perspective, the real illegal immigrants were Americans who first moved into Mexico’s territory called Texas. So too were U.S. troops which followed and invaded Mexico. Millions of Americans with Mexican heritage and who live along both sides of the border realize this. They also know that those like Trump who’ve benefited from unearned privileges are too often quick to discount those who haven’t.

America’s Shadow
Mexico is destined to live in America’s shadow and as such will always play the subservient role in bilateral relations. This is due to losing half its country (present-day California, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, and parts of Kansas and Colorado), all of which included rivers and lakes, valuable above and below ground minerals, and fertile lands that would’ve made Mexico an economic power. Most American officials agreed that they only wanted “the territory of the value without taking the people.” The reason they didn’t want the rest of Mexico is because of the Mexican people, who weren’t white like the majority of Americans.

Legitimizing White Supremacy
Trump is no different. In fact, he may be even worse. Not only is he in the process of militarizing the U.S.-Mexican border with thousands of troops and hundreds of drones, but his policies have caused dozens of immigrants and political refugees to die. Some include children. They’ve also stirred the passions of the KKK and right-wing militias, both of which have taken upon themselves to patrol the border with a kind “vigilante” justice. This includes giving them legitimacy. And then there’s the “Make America Great Again” and “America First” agendas which are in reality nothing more than Manifest Destiny and Dollar Diplomacy. They too were founded on principles of White Nationalism only with a pinch of imperialism and eugenics.

Trade Wars And Casualties
It’s reported that Trump has backed-away from his threats to impose a 5% tax on all imports from Mexico until illegal immigration from across the southern border was stopped. It wasn’t due to some dramatic or sudden conversion to racial toleration. His own Republican Party was about to bail on him and those who voted for him had witnessed their tax cut savings wiped out by his tariffs. Trade wars take no casualties. As for Mexico, they’ve agreed to increase the presence of its National Guard in a bid to curb the flow of immigrants. The deal included returning asylum seekers to Mexico where they may await adjudication.

Universal Fraternity
Tariffs, immigration, and building the wall aren’t going away, however. They are President Trump’s favorite topics. He knows they play well with his base, most of whom are White Nationalists. Still, some say that if White Nationalism ever did give anybody their freedom it was the freedom to be totally ignorant of those who are other than white. President Andres Lopez Obrador of Mexico may have said it best when he called Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on his country to stem the flow of migrants a “fallacy.” “It was a fallacy,” he said, “because until the end of times, even beyond national borders, justice and universal fraternity will prevail.”

Mexico’s Shadow
He also reminded Trump that it was the U.S. which took advantage of Mexico, not Mexico which took advantage of the United States. Keeping this in mind, it’s America that is destined to live in Mexico’s shadow and as such will always play the subservient role in bilateral relations. At least when it comes to a purely moral perspective.

Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John’s Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas’ writings at and

(1) Immerwahr, Daniel. How To Hide An Empire: A History Of The Greater United States. New York, New York: Farrar, Straus And Giroux, 2018., p. 77.