Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Why Would Iran Attack Japan’s Tankers, Unless It Was Another of Many U.S.-Led False Flags
By Dallas Darling
Submitted by Author
Wednesday, Jun 19, 2019

Why would Iran attack Japan’s oil tankers in the Persian Gulf? This, while Japan’s Prime Minister was vising Iran’s senior leaders to sign a new deal for Iranian oil shipments. Or why would the U.S. contradict one of the oil tanker’s captain, pushing a narrative they were attacked by Iranian mines instead of some flying object? And why would the Trump administration suggest the Authorization for Use of Military Force, or AUMF, passed by congress three days after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, could provide a legal basis for a war with Iran. If you answered it was probably due to another U.S. inspired False Flag operation against Iran, you were more than correct.

In fact, the U.S. has committed at least three “known” False Flag Operations against Iran, the first impersonating an ally in order to incite a revolt to topple Iran’s democratically elected leader. The second was when the U.S. imitated an impartial observer to trigger the Iraq-Iran war which left one million dead. There was the more obvious False Flag attack against an Iranian passenger jet too. Consequently, will this latest False Flag operation, to impersonate an enemy (Iran) in order to incite a major war with Iran, succeed? And will demonizing Iran followed by the rationale to retaliate be enough to convince Americans to die for another false flag operation?

To be sure, Robert Steele, an ex-CIA agent, thinks America’s become a “lunatic asylum.” This is because most terrorism are false flags, created by our own security services. What’s more, “Every single terrorist incident we have has been a false flag, or an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism.” The same is true with foreign informants. If America is ever destroyed it will be destroyed from within by its own Deep State and policy. Both which have not only ignited bloody and costly wars through their military and espionage operations but mirror terrorism.

False Flag Terrorism
Though the U.S. pointed its finger at Iran by claiming it had footage of Iran removing unexploded mines, the captain of the Kokuka Courageous, one of two oil tankers targeted in the Strait of Hormuz, said sailors saw “flying objects” just before it was hit. This not only suggested the vessel wasn’t damaged by mines but aroused the suspicion of U.S. drones flying in the same area. PM Shinzo Abe, meanwhile, rejected the U.S. charges, urging Washington to act with restraint. And while Russia called the accusation “baseless,” Iran called it another “mischievous plot” by the U.S. and “part of its disinformation and Iranaphobic campaign.” It included “warmongering.”

Impersonating an enemy (Iran) in order to demonize and then rationalize a retaliation would certainly benefit the Trump administration. Along with derailing the P5+1 Nuclear Treaty and countries which have bucked U.S.-led economic sanctions against Iran, it would sabotage Iran and Japan’s newly signed energy agreement. It would moreover cause fear among Persian Gulf nations, persuading them to join the U.S. in attacking Iran. Most importantly, though, is this latest False Flag operation would allow Trump to destroy President Barack Obama’s legacy, a legacy which entailed making a nuclear deal with Iran and which Trump thinks is an outrage.

Known as a tool of the Deep State, or in this case Trump’s Deep State, False Flags are military or espionage operations where the action of one group is disguised as the action of another. The U.S. used an obvious False Flag in its 1980-88 tanker war with Iran by downing a passenger jet. It killed 296 people including 66 children. America had hoped Iran would declare a major war. Iran instead surprised the U.S. by exercising constraint. This wasn’t true when the U.S. impersonated an impartial observer to attack an enemy. It secretly encouraged Iraq and Saddam Hussein-and them supplied them both with weapons-to launch a war against Iran killing one million.

Original False Flag Terrorism
The first False Flag Operation against Iran occurred in 1953 when it hired feared mobsters in Tehran to stage pro-Shah riots. Their goal to topple a new and democratically elected who was wanting to nationalize Iran’s Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. The British oil company had been systematically cheating Iran of billions of dollars. Together with hatred of both the U.S. and British and fear of Soviet intervention, the U.S. acted. CIA-paid men were brought into Tehran in buses and trucks and took over the streets of the city with American-made arms. A minor CIA-led conflict soon erupted with Iran’s new leader Mohammad Mossadeq arrested.

At the request of the U.S. and British, he and other were tried and convicted of treason by the Shah’s military court. Several were executed. Impersonating an ally within the government and the Iranian people to incite civil unrest and trigger a coup has been one of America’s favorite False Flag operation’s against Iran. To be sure, they continue to this day as the U.S. still tries to instigate demonstrators to topple Iran’s Islamic Republic. It moreover continues to make policy by default. In other words, it’s failed to fulfill its obligations of freedom and liberty including self-determination for all nations. This not only includes Iranians but Americans as well.

Following the coup in 1953, a U.S.-backed government was formed which allowed Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to rule firmly as a monarch. This occurred for 26 years until Iran’s Islamic Revolution and Republic. In August 2013, sixty years later, the U.S. government formally acknowledged its role in the coup by releasing previously classified government documents. They showed it was in charge of pro-coup propaganda and the planning and execution of the coup which entailed bribing of Iranian politicians and security and army high-ranking officials. The U.S. remains silent over some twenty-thousands Iranians arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and killed.

Culpability in False Flag Terrorism
Regarding pro-coup propaganda, the U.S. press is culpable in this latest False Flag Operation. With headlines like: “Iran Responsible for Blatant Assault on Oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, Mike Pompeo,” “Iran on Verge of Breaking Uranium Stockpile Limits,” or “U.S. Will Not Stand ‘Idly’ by While It Holds U.S. Hostages,” selling a casus belli is all but assured. Meanwhile, Japan’s press emphasizes how the U.S. is blaming Iran. Another item censored or buried was PM Abe’s visit to Iran for an oil agreement. So were talks aimed at defusing tensions between Tehran and Washington. It’s obvious the U.S. press, backed by an arms industry which stands to make money from war, would also like to see Japan pushed further into the Trump administration’s camp.

It’s highly unlikely the U.S. will back away from its False Flag operations against Iran. Nor will it ever confess to its roles in the Iran-Iraq War or downing a passenger airbus. The same goes for its latest black-ops role which damaged two of Japan’s oil tankers. To be sure, the Trump administration’s focus will be on more pro-coup propaganda and building a global consensus to go to war against Iran. It will also try and provide more doctored footage and flimsy evidence to prove Iran’s guilt. All along, the real guilty party (U.S. and CIA) will try to evade detection. This, since all warfare is based on deception. The U.S. is no different.

The only problem with this ideology is a False Flag operation may someday backfire even more than the Sept. 11 attacks. Or to the extent that America won’t be able to recover. This includes so many False Flags that the U.S. may someday even suffer from its own deceptions.

Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John’s Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas’ writings at and