“During each air mission, aircraft puts hundreds of tons of CO2 in the air, not to mention the support activities of naval and ground based assets for these air missions.”[1] “Even the Pentagon’s new billion-dollar Space Force and impact on the environment was met with silence. Indeed, the dangers of sending rockets in the atmosphere and outer space to build and arm manned space stations with missiles poses an environmental catastrophe which pales in comparison to a thousand nuclear bombs exploding.”[2] It’s a hard reign a-gonna already been falling kool-aid cult of sky-gods dropped WW II bombs, Air Force bombardier Howard Zinn did ’em with napalm on Germany, France, Czechoslovakia, Hungary UNTIL “he realized the dehumanization of war, the numbness of being in the air and far-removed from the victims devastated by those bombs”[3] then changed his tune ’cause all we ever have redemption songs, Oh! say can you see something say something too many bombs bursting in air. Too-fast-forward to upping the drone bomb droppings with computer-programmed point-and-click dinosaur droppings for so-called god’s country on other people’s god’s countries (and weddings) with Orwell’s future of a boot stamping on a human face, on a bee’s face, on a giraffe’s face, on a lake’s face in the name of The Promised Land Incorporated, reigning down crimes against atmosphere, air, the oxygen everybody breathes . . . Too-fast-forward to a microcosm of the macrocosm, the police choking the air out of Eric Garner who repeated eleven times while pinned facedown on the sidewalk "I can't breathe" [4] . . . Too-fast-forward to Nobel Peace Prizer Prez droppings over 20,000... sans Zinn’s 180°... the Donald duck and cover carrying on the deformed arm and a legacy. Too-fast-forward to new report “U.S. military, world’s single largest producer of Greenhouse Gases”[5] and it’s a hard reign a-Pentagonna fall if we don’t slow down and connect the enviro & military-industrial it’s not so -complex dots, two-for-one smell the roses special— STOP the attacks on Mother Earth reigned down from the top-heavy ladder pie-chart in the superior sky of success. instead Rewind . . . Remember the Rain-Spirits cleansing the air . . . nurturing the soil . . . growing the foods that even the kool-aid-cult of sky-gods has to eat in order to stay alive. NOTES: 1. “U.S. military, world’s single largest producer of GHG, says study” 2. “Who Will Stop the Pentagon’s Conspiracy of Silence Killing Our Planet and Us?” 3. “Howard Zinn, ‘Just and Unjust Wars’” 4. “Death of Eric Garner” 5. Ibid [1]. Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet at Axis of Logic. In addition to his work as a writer and small press publisher, he travels a holistic mystic pathway staying in touch with Turtle Island. See his new book of nonfiction with a poetic touch, “photo albums of the heart-mind”. |