Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Critical Analysis
The Truth Is All We Have
By Pamela Mac Neil | Axis of Logic
Submitted by Author
Tuesday, Jul 28, 2020

” The Truth Is All We Have”   - Julian Assange

The other night I watched the film “The Heart is the Lonely Hunter,”
with Alan Arkin. The film was from the book written by Carson McCullers, at 23yrs of age no less. I thought, as I often do, why do we no longer see writers of the caliber of Carson McCullers, films of the caliber of “The Heart is the Lonely Hunter,” or actors of the Caliber of Alan Arkin?

I have been trying to connect the dots and I believe they connect to the thinking, or rather lack of thinking, that has given rise to the intellectually barren culture we are now witnessing. It’s like walking through a plush, beautiful rose garden and each day as you walk through fewer and fewer of the roses are seen until, finally, the beautiful plush rose garden is no more and what stands in its place is a garden filled with weeds where nothing, including roses, can grow.

How do we go from having a culture that once recognized great thinkers, great artists, great writers and great musicians to a culture  that recognizes nothing. A culture that has replaced serious ideas with
dogmatic beliefs, religious and otherwise, is not a culture where serious thinking and artistic creativity thrives. In fact it is a culture where freedom of thought and creativity are prevented from taking hold, to prevent ideas and creativity from having influence over society as a whole. What the pseudo intellectuals at institutes of higher learning teach is not knowledge, it is conformity. The rare student who has still retained his or her independent mind is quickly maligned and dismissed as an outcast, targeted as Tribalism's isolated thinker.

America, and many other Western countries who are following suit, are intellectually, culturally, and morally bankrupt. The ideas, values and virtues, that gave rise to freedom, democracy and the rule of law, that were expressed through our morality, politics, economics and art, these ideas, values and virtues, the voice of our culture, have been abandoned and our culture silenced. 

What we are looking at when our culture stares back at us? It is the face of Donald Trump, the personification of a culture defined by anti-intellectualism and power. Today, 20 years into the 21st century, we live in a world, particularly in the West, where democracies are no longer democratic, where governments do not govern, where the rule of law is ruled by theft and force, where peace is war, where diplomacy is dominated by threats, where education indoctrinates, where the humanities, philosophy, psychology, politics, literature and history are minimally taught, where a serious discussion of ideas is replaced by a dogmatic acceptance of beliefs, where benevolence for others is replaced by competition and cruelty and finally where the pursuit of truth is not the highest value, but the pursuit of power  and money is.

The ideology that dominates U.S. society is fundamentally driven by faith and force implicitly applied in all of their policies, domestically and globally. Science and reason are openly sabotaged, by virtue of their invisibility. The American people, for the most part, engage in almost total denial, preferring to accept the myths, propaganda and lies that those in authority tell them. They let the power elite, define who they are.

Critical thinking, exercised by those who value and trust their ability to think for themselves, are in the minority and are the enemies of  society's dominant tribalism. Conforming to the group is taught from a young age and carried through to adulthood. A person's very identity is defined by the group or groups he or she belongs to. It matters not if the group is political, cultural or religious, the key to belonging and retaining acceptance by the group is to never question the reason for its existence. All discoveries and inventions, the creation of great art, literature and music come from the individual human mind and soul. All philosophical, psychological, political, judicial and social ideas that implicitly value and benefit humanity come from the individual human mind and soul. There is no such thing as collective thinking.

Independent thinking has always, throughout history and up to today in the 21st century, been a threat to those whose desire it is to rule with power. The very nature of having power over others precludes independence in thought and action and requires complete subservience and obedience to the dictates of the ruling power of the day. Telling the truth, especially if shared with the world, is punishable by termination of employment, imprisonment, or even death. Truth tellers like Julian Assange are the modern day Galileos.

Why is it that the truth threatens, so much so that the truth teller must be punished and those who do the punishing are the ones with power?

A society where political power rules, expects to be obeyed. Obedience is achieved by accepting the price of surrendering one's mind. State force, not individual thinking, is the principle governing your obedience. Elections are now controlled by those who use the resources and thinking of economic and corporate organizations to manipulate the capture of authority. Ordinary citizens, particularly in the U.S., have only the power allowed them by a process they have no control over.

Seventy years of the political, economic, military and mainly intellectual elites laying the ideological groundwork that now is an established majority, give us a functioning agenda aimed at eliminating social programs essential to democracy, including the dismantling of democracy itself. An ideology that empowers the few and causes the many to submit is now your fully integrated operational government whose exercise of power also includes replacing the rule of law with the rule of force and creating a mindless society, comprised of obedient citizens, who can neither judge, nor choose, and is ruled by brutes.

The most important pursuit in the elites' journey of acquiring total power is the pursuit of banishing reason as a source of learning. Banish reason and you banish learning. One cannot force truth on another, truth must be achieved by one's own reasoning.

In 1633, Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment
by the Catholic church, to be carried out in his home due to his age and health. He was also told that he could no longer publicly state his scientifically based fact that the earth and planets revolve around the sun at the centre of the solar system. The Church’s belief - from the literal interpretation of scripture - stated the earth was the centre of the universe and that all heavenly bodies revolved around the earth.

Galileo’s pursuit of knowledge lead him to discovering the truth about the planets in our solar system and that they revolved around the sun. Why was this such a threat to the Catholic church? Or, to put the question more precisely, why was this truth such a threat to the POWER of the catholic church, so much so that Galileo was never to even speak about his newly discovered truth?

In 2020 Julian Assange, after close to 7 years of living in isolation in the Ecuadorian Embassy, now sits in solitary confinement in a British prison - sick, mentally and psychologically tortured, awaiting extradition to the U.S., sentenced for discovering and exposing the truth about the U.S. government, military and National Security's true agenda of attempting to - and actually succeeding - at the overthrow of vulnerable governments of sovereign nations world wide, including exposing on film the U.S. military intentionally killing innocent civilians in Iraq. But most importantly, his crime was exposing the U.S. government's hidden agenda of world domination. Why was Julian’s exposé of these truths such a threat to the POWER of the U.S. Governments domestic and foreign policy?

The mythical narrative spoken by Pompeo, Trump or any previous President or political official is that the U.S. is involved militarily in any sovereign country they target because they are saving the citizens of these countries from their dictatorial leaders and bringing them democracy and freedom, was shown by Wikileaks cables and films to be a lie. The communication infrastructure managing the cultural, political, economic and foreign policies of the U.S. Empire, was never intended to be dissected by the world public, especially by the American public. Wikileaks showed the American public what they were never supposed to see, the true anatomy of their own government departments and agencies, including the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the branches of the U.S. Military.

Julian showed the American people the FULL context of their U.S. State’s infrastructure and, more importantly, that it actually exists and
how it functions. But the constant narrative that U.S. Presidents and politicians continue to preach, words that sound like they're written from a Hollywood script. are still believed by many Americans.

The script is well known: America is the Indispensable Nation, America is Exceptional, America is the greatest country on earth and the one most spoken of, America is “A shining city upon a hill,” referring to America as a beacon of hope for the world.

Compare that fairy tale to the reality shown by Wikileaks, that America ruthlessly overthrows sovereign governments, brutalizing their citizens and stealing their wealth. America travels the world violating human rights and the rule of international law. Once connecting the dots on all of the cables and films that Wikileaks has shown, one can only conclude the obvious: that the American foreign policy agenda is world domination and domestically the American government supports the corporate, economic and military elite at the sacrifice of the American people's lives.

Given the U.S. States' aversion to reality and in its attempt to continually rewrite it, Julian Assange must be stopped and, as we can now see, even killed. Galileo was a man of reason, so too Julian Assange. Reason is the guardian of truth, it can only function in a free society. Destroy freedom and you destroy one's right to exercise reason, one's right to know.

Julian is not just a threat to the power that men like Pompeo hold; he is a threat to the very core of their identity, because men like Pompeo define their worth based on having power.

It is not the face of the good that the U.S. State shows to the world that is real. Julian Assange has looked closely at that face close up and it is the face of evil wearing a mask.

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