Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
US interference in Venezuela. Again.
By Les Blough | Axis of Logic in Venezuela
Axis of Logic exclusive
Tuesday, Jan 5, 2021

Today (January 5) we have the swearing in of the new National Assembly which has been condemned and threatened by US, Colombia and the Venezuela opposition - threats openly reported in US media. The Guaidó gang is said to be planning something for today's events.

I'm expecting anything.

The report below may be completely unrelated to the swearing in of the new AN today but it was reported last night by Guerilla Communication (GC).

I pass on below some of my findings and then last night's brief report:

GC is an investigative media group within the Ministry of Communication and Information (MINCI) created under Chávez, probably supported by SEBIN and Cuban Intel. On February 5, 2020 Minister Néstor Reverol described a broad long range plan within which today's social media report fits (long excerpt to save you from translating):


Minister Reverol dismantles false positives against Venezuela with drug trafficking

"Venezuela has declared an all-out war on drug trafficking for many years, which is why the new aggression by the government of the United States of America (USA) is unacceptable, by creating false positives in the region that try to make it appear that Venezuela is permissible - in the face of drug trafficking.

"This was denounced this Saturday by the Minister of Popular Power for Interior Relations, Justice and Peace (Mpprijp) Néstor Reverol Torres, from his office in Caracas, where he stated that “in the midst of this multiform, media war and the financial economic blockade against  Venezuela, now they want to accuse our beloved country of being an outlaw State, of being a Narco-State ”.

"The press release sent by the ministerial body indicates that it is not a new format, to which the minister pointed out that “it is the same that they wanted to apply in 2006 against Commander Hugo Chávez, when actions were taken not to work together with the DEA, cutting 14 cooperation agreements with the United States. Now the new imperial aggression is linked to two vessels identified with the names Karar and Throne, loaded with cocaine and with different destinations, which aims to show that they were on the Venezuelan coast, in the case of an unfounded accusation, as demonstrated by the automatic systems. of identification of the satellite programs of global positioning 'Marine Traffic' and 'Fleetmon ”.

'Minister Reverol Torres explained that the vessel named Karar left Panama with a final destination to Spain, carrying a Togolese flag, seized by the Spanish authorities with four tons of cocaine and detained its 15 crew members, 14 of Bangladeshi origin and one of nationality. Spanish.

“They created a set of false positives by stating that this ship sailed from Venezuela. We clarify that we are not cocaine producers, we share 2,219 kilometers of border with Colombia, which has 70% of the world's cocaine production,'
he said.

'According to the automatic identification systems of the Marine Traffic and Fleetmon global positioning satellite programs, which are mandatory for all vessels, the route of the bulk carrier was determined once it left Panama." [end excerpt]
Popular Intelligence is also cited as a source. PI is a more clandestine body where information may or may not be reliable because it's gathered and reported by eyes and ears "on the ground," individuals who hear and see things happening in their communities, in the case possibly fishermen or people living on the coast reporting to SEBIN. Popular Intelligence is described in Ultimas Noticias:
"... this sector is forming the Intelligence Networks of Popular Power, framed in the Protection System for Peace (SP3) , where they will work jointly with state agencies, to report any eventuality, strangers who are doing irregularities in the parishes and communities."
Further ...
Asemblea Campesina
January 4, 2021

(translated by Axis of Logic)

"Rastrojos," a criminal mercenary gang controlled by Colombian President Ivan Duque and self-declared president of Venezuela, Juan Guaido plans to "load" a yacht bearing a false Venezuelan flag in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. The US DEA will then "intervene" and "seize" no less than two tons of alleged cocaine. The operation will be filmed to be shown on the world's television networks. The alleged "drug traffickers" on board (mercenaries) will testify on cameras and will say (falsely) that this drug is from the non-existent "Cartel of the Suns"* and will give details already elaborated for a long time in the fake media  laboratories of the USA.

Let's roll with this chain and unveil this new macabre plan of US imperialism and its lackeys


Sources: Popular Intelligence,
Communication Guerrilla 🇻🇪

Published on January 4, 2021 by Asemblea Campesina, a members-only webpage supporting the National. Asemblea de Campesinos y Pescadores.

*Editor's Note. The "Cartel of the Suns" doesn't exist. It's a fake drug cartel allegedly controlled by the Venezuelan government invented by the US State Department, CIA, and US corporate media. They use their invention to falsely accuse the Maduro government of trafficking cocaine to the US and Europe as a pretext for sanctions and intervention in Venezuela.  - LMB