Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Poetry of Mankh
David vs. Goliath . . . & David
By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic exclusive
Wednesday, Apr 28, 2021

There has been and still is much suffering due to Covid itself, yet how the global scenario is being manipulated raises multi-questions, Why?
Why have not, for years, the war-dead been shown on stretchers like those ill or dead from Covid?
Why have there been no lockdowns for years so as to mitigate air-pollution which is reportedly contributing to “8.9 million deaths” per year?[1]

The world death-toll from Covid is listed as “3,116,696.”[2]

Why a vaccine apartheid, with poorer Nations less vaccinated?

Why does a touted high % success rate of those vaccinated simply assume a small % of side-effects/casualties as part of the equations? Seems always a corporate-government war-mentality.

The only answer I've come up with is that this is about perpetuating the overall system. You pays your money and you takes your chances while the Big Boys scoot with the loot.

Then again, a new old system – why a bigger deal about Covid than wars and pollution? One reason given is the global agenda known as “The Great Reset.”

And, as ever – at least since the Old Testament – a major tool for perpetuating the system:
“'Fear really drives numbers': CNN director calls Covid-19 'GANGBUSTERS WITH RATINGS,' latest undercover video reveals”[3]
“Psalm 9:20 - “Put them in fear, O Lord”.
People like to point the finger at the behemoth corporations and speak truth to so-called power, and deservedly so, but what if we point at and speak to ourselves as well.
With the amount of masks I’ve seen strewn in mall parking lots and on the streets during local walks in a suburban neighborhood, plus trash along roadsides, I began to suspect that “we the people” have a huge role in the equation. Locally I see “No Dumping” signs, and just below them… trash!
The prospect of less plastic seems daunting; just look in your kitchen or bathroom to get a glimpse of what life would be like without plastics – though of course there was life before plastics.
Wondering... how the hell are microplastics getting into the oceans and topping Mount Everest?... I web-searched and found some answers as to how.

“The top polluters are from fishing gear, clothing, tyres, plastic pellets, and cigarette butts.”

Cigarette filters “are the largest single man-made contaminant of our oceans. This polluter outpaces the plastic bag and straw.”[4] Whatever your opinion with regard to smoking is beside the point because the microplastics issue is due to laziness and disrespect of the beach and waters that are teeming with living beings.

And: “It’s not that tyres are being tossed into rivers or oceans, but the microplastics they shed while the car is being driven.”[5]

Another surprise source is not from those little shake-em snow globes.

“Higher levels of microplastics were seen near the base camp of Mount Everest - so people must have been depositing them without realising it. At base camp, around 79 microplastics were found for every litre of snow counted. A little below the summit, around 10 microplastics were found, by contrast.

“Many of the plastic pieces observed were mainly made up of polyester, acrylic and nylon which tend to make up outdoor clothing materials - from jumpers, to tents and ropes. The plastic pollution could have derived from hikers at base camp - where they would have spent the majority of their time.”[6]
But perhaps there's light at the end of the plastic tunnel: “Scientists Develop Truly Biodegradable Plastics”[7]
plastic, plastic everywhere and not a drop to drink
Oddly or predictably, the Covid and microplastic twains meet, and the Davids and Goliaths overlap.

“... these masks, if improperly discarded, have the power to threaten ecosystems for many decades, even centuries, to come. Polypropylene takes 20 to 30 years to decompose in a landfill. Polyester can take up to 200 years.”[8]

And, as with those plastic six-pack rings which one should cut into pieces before trashing: “In addition, it is critical to cut the two ear straps on each side of your mask before disposing of it to reduce the possibility of wildlife getting entangled in it.”[9]

In the Goliath department, as conveyed by Prabir Purkayastha in his article “The West is Practicing Vaccine Apartheid at a Global Level”:
"In the books of the rich countries, the tens of billions of dollars to be earned as profits in the vaccine market by Big Pharma far outweigh the benefits of saving millions of lives. This also explains the vicious campaign against Chinese and Russian vaccines. For Big Pharma and the rich countries, it is profit over lives every time, whether it was during the AIDS epidemic earlier or with the COVID-19 pandemic now.”
“... the rich countries—the United States, the EU, and the UK—have been refusing to export not only vaccines but also the supplies of intermediate products and raw materials required for vaccine production in other countries.”[10]
Aside from the Goliath cruelties and injustices, one flaw in their division scheme is that people from so-called foreign countries travel.

From global airways to local walkways, from mountaintops to oceans, both Davids & Goliaths need to clean up their acts.

Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet at Axis of Logic, as well as a correspondent-poet for the WUSB 90.1FM radio segment “Radical Words”. In addition to his work as a writer and small press publisher, he travels a holistic mystic pathway staying in touch with Turtle Island. His website is here.

[1] “8.9 million people killed by air pollution a year
[2] See here.

[3] See here.

[4] “Microplastics: What Are They? And How Do They End Up In Our Ocean?

[5] Ibid.

[6] “How did microplastics get near the top of Mount Everest?

[7] See here.

[8] from “PPE May Save Human Lives, But It’s Deadly for Wildlife

[9] Ibid.

[10] See here.

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