“It seems that nothing the Israeli Government ever does to the Palestinians will meet with meaningful condemnation from Western governments. So long as the theft of Palestinian land is done quietly and in small slices, and so long as summary killings of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers are done just a few at a time, the USA, Britain, France, Germany etc. will turn blind eye [and allow Israel to get away with mass murder of the Palestinian people]”. - Martin Odoni.
For nearly two weeks in May 2021, and again for several days in June and July, U.S.-supplied Israeli warplanes (F-35s) attacked and levelled high-rise residential buildings, dwellings, and vital civilian infrastructures in Gaza. Unindicted war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu said: I’m “determined” to keep terrorizing and massacring Palestinians throughout Palestine until our diabolical Jewish aim of final solution – the extermination of the Palestinian people – is achieved. Palestinians reserve the legal right to respond to these attacks and hold the Israelis accountable. The Israeli attacks on Gaza began after the Israeli Police (the Israeli Gestapo) and the heavily armed Zionist militias – Jewish supremacist colonist gangs, or “Israeli settlers” in Western parlance (also known as the Brownshirts in reference to the Nazis Storm troopers) – invaded Al-Aqsa Mosque teargassing and wounding more than 3000 Muslim worshipers with stun grenades and bullets during the month of Ramadhan. They are armed and have the full support of the Jewish Gestapo Police. In addition, the PA (Palestinian Authority” – by name only) attack dogs play a criminal role as an auxiliary force for Israel. In coordination with Israeli Gestapo police, the PA attack dogs violently attacking Palestinians and suppressing Palestinian resistance to help Israel enforce its brutal occupation of Palestine. Funded and trained by the United States and EU, the PA exists to protect Israel and colonist Jews, and to police Palestinians on behalf of Israel. Most of the Jewish colonist gangs are recent arrivals from the U.S. and Eastern Europe, including the most extremist Russian and Polish neo-Fascist elements. Furthermore, the ruling by the Israeli magistrate court that 19 Palestinian families from Batan al-Hawa, be expelled from their homes to make way for “Israeli settlers”. Among their leaders is Bentzi (or Ben-Zion) Gopstein who was indicted by an Israeli court in 2019 on charges of incitement to terrorism, violence and racism against the Palestinians. His close allay is Itamar Ben-Gvir, another indicted Jewish extremist, terrorist and racist. They are financed and armed by American and British taxpayer’s money. Palestinians see these “expulsions”, including the expulsion of Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah and the raids into Al-Aqsa Mosque,” as part of Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and “Judaization” of East Jerusalem. It is a crime against humanity under international law, according to a recent report by Human Rights Watch – a leading player in Western “human rights” propaganda industry. The Palestinians are defending their right to exist, their homes and their homeland, and had it not been for their resistance, Jewish colonist gangs supported by the deafening silence of the global media would have taken control of many places in Jerusalem. As Tariq Baconi observes in the May 2021 London Review of Books: “The only way to explain events on the ground, they say, is as settler-colonialism: Israel is dispossessing indigenous Palestinians of lands they have lived on for generations. Palestinians dispute the ownership claims of the settler groups, arguing that Israeli courts have no jurisdiction over occupied Palestinian territory according to international law – a plausible claim, as the seizure of property and transfer of populations by an occupying power is a war crime under the Rome Statute.” Furthermore, Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem and in other parts of Palestine has been an ongoing Israel’s terror over the decades followed by periods of “quiet” and delays as international criticism grew and pressure on Israel increased. The media paly their utmost criminal role by deflecting public attention away from Israel’s war crimes. In the U.S., Zionists exercise a complete control over much of the media – including, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Telegram, etc. It is also the case in Canada, much of Europe, Australia and in Russia, led by the extreme racist and anti-Muslims RT (Russian Tabloid or the Russian CNN) global propaganda. For decades, the Zionist media have been distorting facts on the ground and fabricating excuses for continuing Israel’s terror and war crimes against the defenceless Palestinians. The U.S.-dominated Western establishments big lie of “Israel has a right to defend itself” – repeated by Western political and media establishments – has become a disease that infects the brains of so many well-meaning people around the world. As American thinker Malcom X observed: the media, as “the most powerful entity on earth has the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of [the] masses”. In addition to controlling the media, U.S. and Israeli Zionist supporters have turned the United Nations (UN) into Zionism’s most reliable tool. The UN primary role is to legitimise and normalise Israel’s terror and war crimes. From Iran to Afghanistan to Iraq and from Venezuela to Libya to Yemen, nearly all U.S.-sponsored tragedies have UN blessing. In the last two decades, the UN – with its corrupt administration – has backed Israel’s annexation of Palestinian land and used by the media as a “legal” authority. The media have depicted Israel’s terror against the Palestinians in simple terms: the Palestinian “terrorist group Hamas” has attacked the “Jewish state” which is “defending itself”; Israel is “responding” or “reacting” to Palestinian “provocation” and “escalation”; Palestinian “rockets” “killed” Israelis, but Palestinians “have died” from unnamed causes; Israel has “defence forces” and “security forces”, but Hamas has “militants”. (‘The Savage Punishment of Gaza’, MediaLens, 25 May 2021. This is a must read). “Hamas” is deliberately misused to demonise and strip Palestinians of their human identity. It is a classic Zionist propaganda for Israeli to deflect attention away from their own provocation and violence by accusing its victims of “starting” it. They are emulating Nazi propaganda to manipulate public opinion and sell Israel’s terror. HAMAS, (Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah, Islamic Resistance Movements) is not a “terrorist group”. HAMAS are composed of a united front of various factions, including Palestinians Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). They are legitimate resistance movements of oppressed indigenous Palestinians – Muslims and Christians. HAMAS are also the administrative authority of Gaza that manage a highly efficient system of social networks and charities serves the 2.2 million Palestinians of Gaza. The rest of the Palestinians live in Nazis’-like Ghettos throughout Jewish-occupied Palestine. “There’s been a whole attempt to make HAMAS the centre of the reporting. And that’s nonsense. As if HAMAS is a peculiar demon. In fact, HAMAS and its military wing are part of [The Palestinian Resistance]; a resistance that was provoked by the Israelis. The real demon in this is Israel. But it’s not simply Israel. I mean, this is as much a British and American war against Palestine, as it is an Israeli one. It is a war against the people of Palestine who are doing one thing – and that is exercising their moral and legal right to resist a brutal occupation [by a terrorist entity]”, said John Pilger. HAMAS is almost always covered in a negative light. The Palestinians are largely defenceless people who are abused, dispossessed, and murdered by Israeli supremacist Jews and their Western financiers. They are legally resisting against Israel’s colonialism, ethnic cleansing and the dispossession of their land. It is a right enshrined in international law – and an inalienable right that any nation would defend. Israel warning to the media is that any sympathy towards the Palestinians will invite Israel’s terror. A case in point is the deliberate destruction of Al-Shorouk building housing the Associate Press, Al-Jazeera and other media offices (to eliminate any independent media observers on the ground in Gaza) show Israel’s fear of the extent of its crimes reaching the outside world. Gaza is the largest open-air Concentration Camp (Konzentrationslager) in the world. It is completely controlled by Israel military from land, sea and air. 75% of the 2.2 million (50% children under the age of 18) Palestinian population of Gaza are refugees who in 1948 fled Israel’s terror or were forcefully expelled from Palestine in what is now called “Israel” – in some cases months after the formal cease-fire. The Palestinian Nakba or Palestinian Holocaust, was the mass murder of Palestinians and destruction of Palestinian society and homeland, and the permanent displacement of most of the Palestinian people. A brief history of the al-Nakba is in order. Just after the Belford declaration in 1917, Zionist Jews went into Palestine and shot over 11,000 innocent Palestinian men, women, and children in cold blood JUST as a sign of force (For more see. Behind The Hatred - The Discovery Channel, 3-hour version). Since 1920, supremacist Zionist Jews have displaced over 800,000 innocent Palestinian men, women, and children. According to The New York Times, they have murdered tens of thousands more and tortured more than 300,000 since 1948. Every time the Palestinians fight back, they are accused of being "terrorists". I think we are aware of who the "terrorists" are. The Red Cross in Jerusalem gave a shocking account of the massacre in Deir Yassin, one of several hundreds of villages raped and destroyed by Jewish terrorists and immigrants. In his official report, Jacque De Reynier, the Head of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Jerusalem described as he arrived at one village (Deir Yassin) on the second day and saw "the mopping up," as one of the Jewish terrorists put it to him. It had been done with machine guns, then grenades, and was finished off with knives. The Jews decapitated some of the victims and fatally maimed 52 children in sight of their mothers. They cut open 25 pregnant women's wombs and butchered the babies in front of them. [1] The Palestinian Nakba continues at a slower pace in broad daylight. Since 2006, Israel has been subjecting Gaza to a military siege and blockade for, which has left the Concentration Camp effectively unliveable (Jacobin). “Israel has intentionally made Gaza unliveable. The only way Gaza can exert pressure on Israel is by firing home-made projectiles (“rockets”). If they peacefully protest their conditions, they’re massacred just the same. If they do nothing, Israel continues to blockade them, erode their living conditions while ethnically cleansing the rest of their land”, said journalist Abby Martin. The recent Israeli attacks caused the death of more than 280 Palestinians, including at least 70 children and 40 women massacred in cold blood, and drove 52,000 people from their homes. The mass murder of Palestinian children was described in the Israeli media as a “price of war”, echoing Bill Clinton’s former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright – an ardent pro-Israel Zionist Jew – who famously cackled that “it was worth it” when she was asked about the deaths of 600,000 Iraqi children by U.S.-enforced sanctions on food, water and medicines. Many thousands of Palestinians have been wounded. More than 20,000 Palestinians are now homeless. On the Israeli side, there are 12 dead and very limited damage to Israeli buildings caused by home-made Palestinian projectiles. Most projectiles were intercepted by Israeli air defences and Israelis are well protected in fortified bomb shelters under their homes. The disproportionate deaths among Palestinian civilians indicate a one-sided mass murder. The comparative death toll tells of the one-sided nature of the Israeli violence. It is preposterous to equate the criminal violence of a highly armed, destructive and murderous terrorism entity like Israel with that of a nearly defenceless and non-destructive resistant movement, HAMAS. The misleading equivalence that this designation relies upon is an Amnesty International’s report which essentially states that using homemade missiles against heavily armed forces is a war crime. In other words, “[HAMAS] are criminalised for their technological inferiority”. The use of U.S.-supplied warplanes by the Israeli regime serves to test F-35s warplanes and their pilots in real war action using Gaza homes and entire Palestinian families as targets on a firing range. According to the UN, more than 94 buildings in Gaza, comprising of 461 housing and commercial units. Six hospitals, 53 schools and fifteen medical centres were deliberately targeted and destroyed with U.S.-supplied bombs and missiles. Electricity lines were brought down, and nearly half of Gaza’s 2.2 million inhabitants lack potable water because desalination plants cannot function without power. Gaza’s aquifers have long been polluted by sea water, chemically engineered sewage known as “skunk” and agricultural run-off. This round of indiscriminate attacks is far worse than previous attacks in 2014 and 2009. Despite all this and more, the UN refrained from condemning Israel and holding Israel accountable for wanton destruction and premediate war crimes. The French NGO, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) warned, that Israel is pushing Gaza into a catastrophe: “The Israeli bombing is incredibly heavy and stronger than previous bombing campaigns. Relentless bombing has destroyed many homes and buildings all around us. It’s not safe to go outside, and no one is safe inside, people are trapped. Emergency health workers are taking incredible but necessary risks to move around”. As Tama Nasser observed: “The goal is to deliberately inflict such pain and suffering on the civilian population and society at large as to deter anyone from resisting against Israel’s occupation. This can be prosecuted as a war crime.” In 2014 Israel committed heinous war crimes in Gaza, destroying neighbourhoods and massacring the residents, shelling children on a beach, and drone-striking a teen hours before ceasefire, among many others. It was recently reported, that Israel’s Defence minister Benny Gantz threatened more destruction and killings than he ordered in Gaza in 2014. “No person, area or neighbourhood in Gaza is immune [from Israel’s terror]”, warned war criminal Gantz. In 2014, Gantz was Israel’s chief of staff commanding the 51-day terror that killed more than 2,251 Palestinians were killed. This figure includes 1,462 Palestinian civilians, including 299 women and 551 children. The ongoing Israel’s terror and slaughter of Palestinian civilians who were being (as always) deliberately targeted has been perceived by most of the world population, including many Americans, as a slow-paced genocide, even when Western regimes do not apply genocide to non-Jews. “The numerous incidents of killing entire families in Israeli bombings in Gaza – Parents and children, babies, grandparents, siblings – attest that these were not mistakes. The bombings follow a decision from higher up, backed by the approval of military jurists”, as Amira Hass observes in Ha’aretz. “Never in modern history [not even by the Nazis standard] has there been such a merciless, sustained campaign of collective punishment like the one that Israel has meted out against the Palestinian people of Gaza. And that punishment is horrifying enough, just when you consider the humanitarian consequences of the blockade and the poisoning of the environment and the water supply”, writes reporter Jeremy Scahill. The ritual of Israeli massacres of Palestinians are just one part of carefully planned Palestinian genocide. Gaza is used as a laboratory for Israel’s scientific racism where the Palestinians are the guinea pigs in a variety of Nazis-like experiments and a testing laboratory for Israel’s terror. Even when not committing full-scale massacre in broad daylight, Israel cuts power supply and restricts the delivery of fuel, medical supplies and building materials available to Palestinians to build their homes. In addition to poisoning the drinking water, Israel controls the amount of food imports according to the number of calories Palestinians should consume. In other words, the Palestinians population were put on strict diet of death and survival. According to Dr Sara Roy, a senior researcher at the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University: “Innocent human beings, most of them children, are slowly being poisoned by the water they drink and likely by the soil in which they plant.” The result of this criminal act is that “about 10 percent of Palestinian children in Gaza under age 5 have had their growth stunted by malnutrition. In addition, anaemia is widespread, affecting over two-thirds of infants, 58.6 per cent of schoolchildren, and over a third of pregnant mothers.” The Gaza blockade is an act of war, hence Israel enforcing it cannot claim to be acting defensively in response to anything that happened after the start of the blockade. How can Israel claim self-defence against malnourished and thirsty captive people? The U.S. regime blocked three recent attempts by the United Nations Security Council to demand a ceasefire. This is while the Zionist U.S. President Joe Biden signed off on supplying $735 million dollars-worth gift of JDAM-equipped bombs and missiles to fuel Israel’s terror, the very kind of munitions that are killing Palestinians and causing wanton destruction to their homes and vital infrastructures. This is on top of nearly $5 billion annually Israel already receives from the US taxpayer. In other words, the U.S. provides Israel nearly $10.5 million in military aid per day, while it gives the Palestinians $0 in military aid. By encouraging Israel to commit war crimes and supplying it with weapons, the U.S., Britain and the EU are giving cover to an outlaw terrorist entity and evincing deep-seated racism against the Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims in general. It is worth noting that, without U.S. subsidy there is no Israel. President Biden knew Israel was not running out of weapons, but he wanted to facilitate the Israeli intention to exterminate the Palestinians and shows his loyalty to his Jewish financiers. “These Israeli atrocities are being funded by billions of our own American tax dollars while communities like mine in St. Louis are hurting and are in need of life-affirming investment here at home”, said the U.S. Representative Cori Anika Bush (D. Missouri). With its massive arsenal of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, Israel poses the greatest threat to world’s peace and Humanity. Israel, as a terrorist entity that espouses a Nazi-like ideology is a serial violator of international law and guilty of countless war crimes and crimes against humanity. Israel is an occupying terrorist entity that has been terrorising and dispossession the Palestinian people for hundred years. Israel, and its Jewish terrorist gangs have been carrying out a war against the Palestinians for over 100 years, so Israeli self-defence against Palestinians is a logical impossibility (Electronic Intifada). In fact as an occupying power, Israel does not have a legal right to claim self-defence against the people it is illegally occupying their land and terrorising them on daily basis (Truthout). The Israeli (endorsed by the U.S. and the EU regimes) blockade has severely and deliberately restricted the flow of food, fuel, medicine, water and all essential goods to civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law. These illegal unilateral coercive measures have caused human rights violations by obstructing access to the updated health systems, technology and humanitarian aid needed to sustain global infrastructure, according to the UN Human Rights Council. As Avraham Burg, former Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and former Chairman of the World Zionist Organisation told the New York Times: “… it was the outgrowth of years of blockades and restrictions in Gaza, decades of occupation in the West Bank, and decades more of discrimination [and racism] against Arabs within the [entity of Fascist] Israel. All the enriched uranium was already in place. But you needed a trigger. And the trigger was the [Jewish attacks on] al-Aqsa Mosque.” Burg was referring to the provocations mentioned above by the Jewish Gestapo Police and the Zionist militias or Jewish colonists. According to a new UN Report: “In 2020, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) documented 771 incidents of settler violence causing injury to 133 Palestinians and damaging 9,646 trees and 184 vehicles mostly in the areas of Hebron, Jerusalem, Nablus and Ramallah. Already, during the first three months of 2021, more than 210 settler violent incidents were recorded, with one Palestinian fatality.” The UN Report also noted: “Settlers’ violence was predominantly ideologically motivated and primarily designed to illegally take Palestinian land but also to intimidate and terrorize the Palestinians. The violence and intimidation often prevent Palestinians from accessing and cultivating their land and creates a coercive environment pressuring Palestinians to stay away from certain areas or even move.” According to the Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in Palestine (B’Tselem): “Thousands of testimonies, videos and reports, as well as many years of close monitoring by B’Tselem and other organizations, reveal that Israeli security forces [the Jewish Gestapo] not only allow settlers to harm Palestinians and their property as a matter of course – they often provide the perpetrators escort and back-up. In some cases, they even join in on the attack. After more than 25 years of this work, there is no escaping the conclusion that the authorities merely make a show of law enforcement in this context and that, with few exceptions, they have no interest in seriously investigating settler violence against Palestinians.” B'Tselem further added: “Violent actions of settlers against Palestinians are not exceptions to a rule. Rather, they form part of a broader strategy in which the state colludes, as it stands to benefit from the result. Over time, this unchecked violence is gradually driving Palestinians from more and more locations in the West Bank, making it easier for the state to take over land and resources.” People should open their eyes to the Israelis and stop comparing Israel with Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa. The comparison is very misleading. It is designed to lessen Israel’s terror and violence against defenceless and captive Palestinians. Israel ticks all the boxes of Fascism and Apartheid. It espouses a Nazi-like ideology coupled with an extreme Apartheid. In an interview in 1990, the well-known Israeli intellectual Yeshayahu Leibowitz warned that Israel was becoming “a Judeo-Nazi state.” Adding that “the Israeli Defence Force, armed to the teeth by American weapons, has assassinated 150 [Palestinian] children in the past two years alone,” Leibowitz insisted that the word “Nazi” was the only appropriate word to describe its conduct: “The minister of Defence [Yitzhak Rabin] who gave the order to break the arms and legs of Palestinian prisoners is a Nazi…And the president of the High Court [Moshe Landau], who judged that torturing prisoners was allowed, is a Nazi.” In fact, Israel is worse than Nazi Germany. As mentioned earlier, Israel is unconditionally supported militarily, financially and diplomatically by the world’s most militarised regime, the U.S. regime. Unlike Israel, Nazi Germany was at war with large military powers (e.g., USSR, Britain) on many fronts. Israel is and has been at war with largely unarmed and defenceless captive people that are legally resisting Israel’s daily terror and war crimes. Furthermore, Nazi Germany crimes have been highly exaggerated, and the Nazis are demonised to give impetus and sympathy to Jews and justify Israel’s century-long terror and war of extermination (slow-paced genocide) against the Palestinians. The so-called “Jewish Holocaust” gives special status to Jewish victims of the Nazis above their inferior Slavic and Romani fellow-sufferers so as to give grounds for genocidal Zionism in Palestine. It is this “Holocaust” narrative that has been central to Zionism’s endeavour. Critics have labelled the tendency of Jews to see themselves as having suffered more than the Palestinians as “competitive victimhood”. Indeed, Jewish organisations world-wide are motivated to engage in competitive victimhood not only to exert power and provide cover for Israeli war crimes but also to excuse their own ethnocentric manipulations. In supporting and appeasing Israel, U.S. and European political and media establishments are complicit today in Israel’s crimes against humanity akin to those of Nazi Germany. The entire Western narrative of the creation of Israel as a “homeland” for the “Jewish people” outside Europe at the expense of the Palestinian people is a fabrication and a distortion of truth [2]. Why Jews need a homeland? Why can’t they just live wherever they were born, just like, Christians, Buddhists and Muslims? It is an insult to compare Germans with racist and violent Israelis. Germany of 1930s and 1940s was a decent and educated society and remains so today. You will never find a Nazi who was more violent and racist than Israeli supremacist Jews (Abby Martin, YouTube). Martin’s interview exposes the dark underbelly of Jews’ anti-Arabs and anti-Muslims hate-filled propaganda machine. Israeli supremacist Jews are calling for Palestinians’ deaths, shouting “Death to Arabs” with a Jewish rabbi saying: “I call on you to kill all Arabs!” and others using Facebook and Telegram to organize attack mobs. A survey conducted by direct polls in Israel, found that 72% of Israeli Jews didn’t want Israel to negotiate a cease fire – they wanted Israel’s terror against the Palestinians to continue. Israel’s apologists (e.g., Jonathan Cook) have the gall to warn us that it is racist and “anti-Semitic” to “hold Jews individually or collectively accountable for Israel’s terror and crimes” against the Palestinians. It is preposterous accusation. While there are outstanding decent Jews around the world who want nothing to do with Israel and its Fascistic policies, supremacist Jews individually and collectively make great efforts to support, finance and cover-up Israel’s crimes because Jews identify with Israel no matter how heinous and brutal Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians. For example, Jewish leaders in Britain, including the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis are pressing the British government of Boris Johnson to classify all Palestinians in Gaza as terrorists and make them legitimate targets for Israel’s terror. Anyone who advocating for Palestinian rights, including demonstrating against Israeli attacks on Gaza, the media consider it as a collective attack on Jews and “anti-Semitic”. The myth of “anti-Semitism” is a fiction cynically recycled by the media every few years as a cover for Israel’s terror and brutality against the Palestinians. A case in point is the former British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who was destroyed by British Jews (pro-Israel Jewish Lobby) and Zionist supporters of Israel. It is an "organised campaign to turn reality upside down – to convert supporters of Israeli violence into victims and to blame the real victims – the defenceless Palestinians – for their own suffering. The truth, there is no “anti-Semitism” against Jews, none exists. There is widespread anti-Semitism against Muslims and Arabs promoted and paid for by the Zionist media. Jews around the world should be ashamed of their support for a criminal terrorist entity masquerading as a “Jewish State” for all Jews. They should publicly distant themselves from Israel and condemn Israel’s terror and crimes against the Palestinians. The current Israeli leader, the extreme Fascist Naftali Bennett has routinely described Palestinian resisting Jewish occupation as terrorists and demanded that they should be shot on sight. He has also boasted of killing Palestinians during his military service. In 2013, Bennett declared: “If we capture Palestinians, we need to just kill them,” adding that: "I’ve killed lots of Arabs in my life – and there’s no problem with that." In the 1980s, Bennett was heavily involved in “Operation Grapes of Wrath” in Lebanon, where his commando unit killed numerous civilians, and takes pleasure in recounting his participation in Israel’s war crimes. In short, the new Israeli regime is more Fascist regime than its predecessors. Bennett was described by Western and the Russian racist media as a “creative, dedicated and goal-oriented”, but when Iranian Judiciary Chief Sayed Ebrahem Raeisi won Iran’s presidential election by a big majority, he was labelled as a “hardliner” and accused of an allegedly “grave human rights abuses”. Bennett as the new head of the Israeli gang of terrorists will soon be welcomed by Western leaders eager to show him their support against the Palestinian people. In most civilised societies, Naftali Bennett would be arrested and charged with murder and war crimes. The U.S. and U.S.-dominated regimes have the audacity to criticise China for allegedly committing “human rights” abuses against its Uyghur Muslims in the Xinjiang region. There is no evidence to support the allegations against China. But overwhelming evidence shows the same U.S.-dominated regimes (including, Israel, Australia, Britain, Canada, India, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, among others) are guilty of egregious human rights abuses. Arrests and torture of dissidents are widespread in the U.S. and in Europe. The incarceration and torture of Julian Assange is a case in point. China is not stealing Syria’s oil and selling it off, like pirates. China is not setting Syria’s grain fields on fire and depriving the Syrian people of their own food. The U.S. and U.S.-dominated regimes are. Of course, these regimes do not practice what they preach. If these regimes are really concern about “human rights” abuses of Muslims, they should start dealing with Israel, the world’s biggest abuser of human rights. For decades, hard evidence shows these same regimes have colluded with successive Israeli Fascist regimes in terrorising and killing Muslims daily. From Afghanistan to Iraq to Syria and from Libya to Yemen, millions of innocent Muslim women and children have been murder, millions have been displaced and abused by invading U.S.-dominated Western armies on behalf of Israel. The 2003 criminal U.S.-British invasion of Iraq on behalf of Israel was the most barbaric act of terrorism in human history. It was premediated aggression against defenceless people suffering from barbaric and genocidal sanctions that targeted women and children. The ongoing 10-year U.S.-sponsored terrorism war against Syria is another Western barbaric aggression on behalf of Israel. The world must not remain silent on the unconscionable crimes that Israel has wantonly engaged in against the defenceless Palestinians or accept the status of Israel as a victim. Israel is neither a democracy nor the victim. Israel is a terrorist entity built on racism, ethnic cleansing, dispossession and genocide. Only Israel’s defeat will restore world’s peace. It exists as a terrorism entity masquerading as a “Jewish State” that is carrying out a slow-paced genocide of the Palestinians. The U.S., Europe and Russia must end their support for Israel’s terror and force it to stop the slow-paced genocide of the Palestinian people. It is imperative that the international community redouble its efforts to support the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle against this violent and oppressive terrorism entity, and in the process, help deliver freedom and justice. Ghali Hassan is a science researcher and an independent political analyst. Notes: [1] De Reynier, J. À. (1950). Jérusalem, un drapeau flottait sur la ligne de feu. Editions de la Baconnière. [2] Shlomo, S. (2020). The Invention of the Jewish People. Verso Books. |